"The mother looked so sick and tired, and the baby was so skinny, " he recalls.
So sick he couldn't walk, Benton lay in his hospital bed bitter and resentful.
No cures were effected, however, perhaps because the patients were so sick.
People were getting so sick simply because they couldn't wash their hands.
The gamer says that he got so sick of the endless unconfirmed rumors in the gaming media that he decided to just invent some himself.
He felt so sick that he had to pull in at the side of the road and rest his head against his arms on the steering wheel.
Who would be so sick as to make up a person just to have them die to intentionally hurt and most publicly embarrass this model of a student-athlete?
This is also known as the "I'm so sick of superheroes I could scream" effect, and even though I don't subscribe to it, I'm kind of sympathetic to it.
The first piece of satire profiled an Air Force officer who was so sick of being teased about serving in the "Chair Force" that he banned all chairs from his military base.
The 43 sheep that were destroyed were examined by vets who found that one had a broken leg, another was so sick it had to be put down, and 41 were severely lame.
My husband had undiagnosed diabetes for more than 10 years before we could no longer ignore the symptoms, so when he got so sick we had to seek medical care we went to the local VA hospital.
FORBES: Growth In Health Care Costs Slowest In 50 Years- But Is It Good News?
Cloning creates abnormalities in the genetic read-out, which is the reason that cloned animals are so often sick.
CNN: Human stem cell cloning: 'Holy Grail' or techno-fantasy?
So the sick and the dying head to Musina, a town on the South African side of the porous border.
"So many sick things have happened, " says Haruki Murakami, one of Japan's leading novelists (A Wild Sheep Chase, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle).
The university sent e-mails to faculty members asking them to create contingency plans so that sick students are not required to go to class, and to commuter students and their parents warning them that the students may have to be isolated if they fall ill.
More would be provided as well to the sick so insurers could finance their care.
What are people feeding their dogs and cats that's making them so fat and sick?
When I was little, I used to enjoy being sick so that she could fuss over me.
No one has reported sick so far, but five staff whose children are running a fever have been asked to work out of their homes.
In some cases, we take animals who are healthy and we make them sick so we can study them, and that, obviously, is a lot more ethically complicated.
And when two Jesuit priests were kidnapped, he said he convinced a Junta leader's priest to call in sick so he might celebrate Mass at the general's home and plead for mercy.
We did some of the above this hurricane weekend, but we also did a lot of squabbling (so much for harmony) and had to deal with a sick cat (so much for amusement).
Maybe it was because you were sick and so you give yourself a pass.
FORBES: How the Most Successful People Motivate Themselves (And Stay Motivated)
Another boy, 12, said he worked from dawn until 1 a.m. and was so tired he felt sick, according to the paper.
Jorge Videla, to call in sick, so that he himself could preside over the Mass and intercede on behalf of the kidnapped priests.
But if you do that, then the insurance company might charge sick people so much money that they still can't afford the insurance.