In those cases, we work closely with our partners so that they understand why we're making those changes.
Look for somebody with practical experience so that they understand business terminology and then pose your analytical challenge.
The tutor first reads the book aloud to students first so that they understand and remember the repeated phrases.
And so many Americans get their credit card agreements and don't understand the fine print that's written in a way precisely so that they cannot understand it, and then find out that their rates double overnight.
Most important, in General Rikhye's view, peacekeepers bound for particular trouble spots were instructed in the history and emotions behind the troubles, so that they would understand.
In a 1986 case it said that prisoners so insane that they could not understand the punishment they were about to suffer or why they were being punished could not be executed.
So keen, that I understand they even offered to hold their meeting in Cardiff rather than Westminster, so the minister would not have to take time out to travel to London.
But they also knew that they would face competition so they needed to understand their potential consumers.
FORBES: Wharton Start-Up, Chattersource, Helps Students Find Housing, Haircuts
He gives the example of a simulation that lets someone who works in marketing make financial decisions so that they develop a better understand budgeting issues.
Guests could elaborate beyond sound bites, but they had to be crystal clear in making their points so that every viewer could understand what they were getting at.
And we now need to make sure that all of these folks understand what the protections are so that they don't unnecessarily worry about a risk that they no longer face.
If so, they must not understand that management has a fiduciary obligation to maximize after-tax returns for shareholders.
So for them to now claim that they understand the public housing crisis to me is just not right if - a cover for that.
NPR: Politicians, Protesters Clash Over N.O. Housing Demolition
Under our proposal, private institutions and the public utilities which have been privatised, would also be required to do those schemes so that we could understand exactly how they would be wanting to promote the Welsh language within those organisations.
Because of the semantic challenges, the resulting patents are so opaque that no one can understand what they mean.
We appreciate that liberals have so burdened the tax code with rules and exceptions that even they can't understand them.
You must remember that English is not entirely phonetic, so just because a student knows a word doesn't mean that they can understand it when it is said to them at native speed or pronounce it correctly.
So they know that message will work in Ohio and they know that's - I think both of them understand that's the way to govern once they are in office.
The researchers say they need to understand exactly how the ice gets on to the grains and evaporates from them again so that they can simulate the process of star formation with computers.
While all have been onstage before, they understand that Broadway is the biggest so far.
So, leaders must make sure that employees understand how what they do contributes to that mission, and make it clear to them that those contributions are important.
FORBES: The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins as Big Gains
So we understand right now it is more imperative that they be in the Gulf, understanding that we are assuming some amount of risk in doing that now.
They understand that only the paranoid survive, so they had a very large cash balance and buffer to ride through the storm and come back even stronger.
FORBES: Hedge Fund Returns With Mutual Fund Fees! How One Global Equity Master Does It
Mr. ARTHUR LEVITT (Former Chairman, SEC): The SEC, as I understand it, is so shorthanded on staff that they get to inspect an advisory account on average once every five years.
Advertisers have argued that parents should talk to their children about the industry so they understand it.
Since his day, economics has become so formal, or mathematicised, that even economists can no longer understand what they are saying to each other, still less the educated public.
While these people were close enough to understand the challenge, they weren't so close that their knowledge held them back, causing them to run into the same stumbling blocks that held back their more expert peers.
This country is my house, it's the only home I know, so I have to be able to forgive -- for the future, for the younger generation coming behind me so ... they can understand it and if a situation like that happened again, they could deal with it a lot easier.
And I'm pleased to report that a consensus is growing to achieve exactly that -- consensus between Democrats and Republicans, environmentalists and evangelicals, labor leaders and especially so many business leaders like Lew that are ready to jump on board because they understand that the growth of clean energy can lead to the growth of our economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House