"Even so, notwithstanding the social audit, it would have been impossible to detect the structural defects of the collapsed building, " the company said.
Dr Herxheimer, aided by Charles Medawar, from Social Audit Ltd, which has campaigned on antidepressant safety, examined more than 1, 000 yellow card reports about Seroxat.
"It's very important not to expect too much from the social audit, " Mr. Berzau said, although he added standards would be lower without any independent checks.
This means the social network has passed an audit on protecting user data, and could enter the traditional payments industry alongside credit card companies.
Councillors met on Thursday night to discuss the joint review, which followed a three-month investigation into Cardiff Council by the audit commission and social service inspectorate.
The Minister for Social Development Alex Attwood said the team of audit, fraud, management and personnel experts went into NIHE on Monday.
The Audit Office said the executive and Department of Social Development (DSD) were committed to action plans to improve governance and contract management.
Ms Lamont was referring to a report by Audit Scotland which tracked relatively extensive past use of "social unavailability" codes to exclude patients from waiting time guarantees.
BBC: First minister's questions: Health of a national treasure
Be aware that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email or social media channels to request personal or financial information or notify people of an audit, refund or investigation.
This one was convened by the UK parliament's Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) and the Hard Rain project, which documents environmental and social issues through photography.
The Scottish Parliament's public audit committee suggested samples of patient records were tested to make sure the use of social unavailability codes on the NHS computer system was "appropriate".
The Bill also includes proposals to create a new Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection, to inspect both the NHS and private healthcare sector, and a new Commission for Social Care Inspection.