Pasok remains a very well rooted social democratic party, with multi-generational networks inside every village.
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) led the government that took Germany into the war.
Then indeed there might be scope for a liberal link with a more-reform-happy Social Democratic Party.
Labour leader Diederik Samsom stressed his social democratic party had most in common with the Socialist Party.
Yet for a Social Democratic party traditionally wedded to fortifying the welfare state, they constitute a mini-revolution.
Mr Cardoso has left the main social ministries in the hands of his own Social Democratic Party.
It is composed of progressive-minded independents and defectors from coalition members Sakigake and the Social Democratic Party (SDP).
But the gathering of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Dresden on November 13th-15th was anything but routine.
ECONOMIST: The venerable but defeated SPD picks a new champion
Nowadays, a group of politicians in their 30s from the (ex-communist) Social Democratic party are really in charge.
Dilma Rousseff of the Workers' Party is narrowly ahead of the Social Democratic Party's Jose Serra in recent polls.
Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD) had its worst result since the war, winning less than 21% of the vote.
Nobody was surprised when he asked his own Social Democratic Party to lead negotiations to form a new government.
ECONOMIST: A benighted country lurches from crisis to crisis
But eventually the issue is expected to make the Social Democratic Party abandon its shaky alliance with the Liberal Democrats.
He was also key in the opposition Social Democratic Party that supported the losing candidate in last year's presidential elections.
Mr Johannesen's coalition government consists of nine members representing the Union Party, the People's Party and the Social Democratic Party.
There was a sense of disorder and drift, both in the Social Democratic Party and in an inexperienced new administration.
The German Social Democratic Party traditionally a bastion of egalitarianism has produced a plan to create German equivalents of Harvard, Princeton and Stanford.
Even his own Social Democratic party split over whether to back him.
But Mr Kennedy is a former member of the Social Democratic Party and star-struck fan of its founder, Mr Blair's friend Lord Jenkins.
Perhaps it was apt that the pithiest election-night verdict was delivered by a Danish politician, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, leader of that country's Social Democratic party.
ECONOMIST: The far right emerge as the big winners in Sweden��s election
But so, worryingly, are the two big-tent parties, the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party, now partners in the grand coalition government.
Six sitting MPs joined the Democratic Left, while others tried to form an anti-austerity left social democratic party, led by charismatic female MP Louka Katseli.
She claims the small reforms in pensions, health and welfare that she and her coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party, are undertaking are unpopular but necessary.
Mr Schneider, a member of the opposition Social Democratic party (SPD), said some parts of Germany had an acute lack of training places for jobless youths.
Other parties such as the Liberal national party of Cuba and the Social Democratic Party of Cuba have denounced the rise of repression against their members.
In the meantime the FDP, now in opposition to the ruling grand coalition between the CDU and the Social Democratic Party (SPD), will have extra clout.
ECONOMIST: The Free Democrats have done unexpectedly well in Hesse
The failure of the Social Democratic Party, which broke away from Labour in the early 1980s, proved how hard the British system is on new parties.
The opposing left-leaning Social Democratic Party, which has worked in coalition with the CDU as the ruling party in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania region, strengthened in the election.
The communists are well-organized and are in a position to possibly edge out the Social Democratic Party as the third-largest bloc in the lower house of parliament.
It is just the sort of stuff that could find its way risklessly into the manifesto of any social democratic party interested in tarting up its image.