You may be surprised at how seriously business leaders are taking economic and social rights.
The ruling will give gay couples in "stable" partnerships the same financial and social rights enjoyed by those in heterosexual relationships.
Look closer, and who but the state can provide the necessary rules for trading standards, the environment, social rights and so on?
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By being conscious of where and what our shopping dollars are rewarding, we can ensure that corporations respect human, environmental and social rights.
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This is just superficial convergence, however, for it masks the fact that the parties have quite discrete positions on questions of social rights and equality.
The balance between social rights and individual responsibility appears to be more fairly balanced In New Labour social policy than it does with the Conservatives.
Mr Bickerstaffe now heads a delegation from Solidar, an alliance of trade unions and NGOs who are campaigning for the inclusion of social rights in the globalisation process.
But he has now put on record that the rules on military engagement should be included and social rights - such as housing and free education - should also feature.
Together, they discussed the consequences of the financial crash on education, job creation, food and nutritional safety, family protection, equality between men and women, and, more generally, on all the social rights of the people of that region.
Former Labour justice secretary Jack Straw said the Strasbourg court had "extended its jurisdiction" from "fundamental human rights into social and civic rights, for which we have not signed up".
The treaty gives legal force to the Charter of Fundamental Rights, a sweeping catalogue of social and civil rights.
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The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms that States are duty-bound, as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in other international human rights instruments, to ensure that education is aimed at strengthening the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has also underlined the need for bilingual and multicultural education.
It enshrines a wide range of social and economic rights as well as the more usual civil and political freedoms.
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) recognizes the rights to "be free from hunger", to enjoy "the highest attainable standard" of health, and to education.
It sets out certain political, social and economic rights of EU citizens, and allows the European Court of Justice to strike down any aspect of EU law that is deemed to contravene the charter.
If people in the Western countries tend to consider social and economic rights less compelling, I think it is because they conceive these rights as rights to be helped, to be supported or to be given something.
Contribute to the work of the UN Treaty Monitoring Bodies, especially the Committee on Economic, social and Cultural Rights and participate in their work as well as that of the Human rights council and other UN bodies related to the right to education.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (right to education) (7/12/2011) ED 060 - (P4)
The World Conference on Human Rights calls upon the international community to make all efforts to help alleviate the external debt burden of developing countries, in order to supplement the efforts of the Governments of such countries to attain the full realization of the economic, social and cultural rights of their people.
All UNESCO Programmes are aligned with Human Rights and aim to examine economic, social and political aspects of rights, recognizing at the same time that rights are interdependent and interrelated.
In the early history of the United Nations that dispute resulted in the separation of what initially was a unified conception of human rights, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, into two covenants, the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
These are the social issues: gay rights, gun control, abortion and environmental regulation, among others.
Liberation theology combined Christian theology with political activism on issues like human rights and social justice.
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Second, it wants to raise awareness about water scarcity and inspire conversations about human rights and social justice.
Rodrigo Neves, Rio state secretary of social assistance and human rights, declared that 5, 000 families must move to safer ground at once.
There were panels on every subject you can imagine: human rights, social media, entrepreneurship, singularity, science, politics, Internet trends, eCommerce , independent movies, and more.
Yet on energy and indigenous rights the social movements are united.
"We're all interested in the collection and application of personal data and its consequences for individual rights and social science concepts such as trust and discrimination, " said Dr Ball.
BBC: NEWS | Technology | Do you know what they know about you?
The stories from this DVD deal with the issues that fall under United Nations Millennium Development Goals like drinking water, education, literacy, environment sustainability, social equity, human rights etc.
The good life means a series of economic, social, and cultural rights which in modern countries have always been the goal of specific government policies subject to permanent scrutiny.