If confirmed, the estimated offshore deposits could turn Cuba into an oil exporter and transform its troubled socialist economy.
Working for his family business in a hidebound socialist economy, which India was at the time, was a "stifling" prospect.
In France, long an economic laggard with a sclerotic, quasi-socialist economy, Lieber sees a resurgence by consumers under Nicolas Sarkozy's new right-leaning government.
In France, long an economic laggard with a sclerotic, quasi-socialist economy, Lieber sees a resurgence by consumers under Nicolas Sarkozy's new right-leaning government ( click here for story).
Mr Assad felt vulnerable at home, too, presiding over a shaky police state dominated by his own minority Alawite sect, a Baathist party long since denuded of vision, a stumbling socialist economy, and a coterie of spy agencies run like rival mafia clans.
Vietnam's leaders seek to develop a socialist market economy, not a capitalist one.
Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh blamed the ongoing insurgency and the "socialist command economy" left behind by ousted dictator Saddam Hussein for the slow pace of reconstruction.
The central government hopes to continue agricultural reforms that will take the nation into the next century - but not undermine the tenets of a socialist market economy or the Party's grip on power.
Promoting an ambitious socialist agenda in a market economy is a tempting proposition for popular politicians.
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This momentum was caused by the socialist government intervention into the economy.
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Ollanta Humala remains a threat to democracy and a free market economy due to his socialist and nationalistic rhetoric.
The country's currency system goes back many years, and was imposed at a time when the government wanted to exert more control over the economy amid an unsuccessful bid to introduce socialist policies.
But while the U.S. is far from an actual socialist nation, where the government accounts for most of the economy and the vast majority of citizens earn their living from tax dollars, some believe that there is still something nefarious going on with the markets at the hand of government.
Margaret Thatcher cut back the British socialist state, but first she reduced tax rates to get the private economy to flourish.
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The country's economy is among the most sluggish in Europe, and its recently elected socialist government has promised hundreds of thousands of new jobs.
In the hope of wooing Socialist voters, Mr Evert opposed loosening the public sector's grip on the economy and made jingoistic noises about the Turks.
Apart from the inherent systemic instability of an economy relying on one commodity, there are signs that Putin's neo-socialist policies of nationalizations and anti-foreign investment bias could soon start negatively affecting the oil and gas industry.