Veteran aurora watchers described the weekend display as the most photogenic of the current solar cycle.
Experts expect the current cycle, known as Solar Cycle 24, to peak in 2013.
The sun is in an active phase of its current 11-year weather cycle, which scientists call Solar Cycle 24.
He argues that the most-cited climate models misjudge factors such as the effects of clouds, aerosols and the solar cycle.
Many scientific studies indicate that the global climate will soon enter a substantial cooling phase attributable to a weak new solar cycle.
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DMI, Henrik Svensmark, reasoned that if the solar cycle were linked to the earth's temperature, cosmic rays could be part of the chain.
Dan Hershman's life changed dramatically after he photographed a spectacular aurora in Washington state in 2000, which was a peak year in the solar cycle.
The northern lights have been particularly spectacular in 2013 as the sun is expected to reach the peak of its 11-year solar cycle later this year.
The sun is currently in an active phase of its 11-year solar cycle, and it should continue to fire off big storms for a while yet.
Regarding the possibility that the global climate will soon enter a substantial cooling phase attributable to a weak new solar cycle, this may ultimately prove true also.
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Dr White thinks there may be an unknown one that varies on roughly the same timescale as the more regular solar cycle, and thus tends to fall into step with it, amplifying the solar variation.
Matt Penn and William Livingston of the National Solar Observatory predict that by the time Solar Cycle 25 arrives, magnetic fields on the sun will be so weak that few if any sunspots will be formed.
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Warren White of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, and his colleagues were the first to find that sea-surface temperatures across the globe swing up and down in a 10-to 12-year period that lags behind the solar cycle by two to three years.
The data, from NASA's TIMED mission, show that Earth's thermosphere (the layer above 62 miles or 100 km above the Earth's surface) "responds quite dramatically to the effects of the 11-year solar cycle, " Stan Solomon of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo.
During a short cycle the solar wind (a breeze of electrically charged gas blowing off the sun's surface) is stronger than normal.
And they reckon that, overall, the surface of the sea becomes two or three times warmer at the high point of the cycle than mere solar heating can account for.
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Piccard hopes Solar Impulse will start a similar cycle that will lead to unimaginable new dimensions in the development of technology.
According to scientists who conduct so-called "life cycle analysis" for solar, the transport of waste is not currently being factored into the carbon footprint score, which measures the amount of greenhouse gases produced when making a product.
Solar activity fluctuates over an approximate 11-year cycle.
Solar experts believe that the tachocline may be the source of powerful magnetic fields that produce strong solar flares and solar winds, and create sunspots that mysteriously appear and disappear during an 11-year cycle.
This Continuing Resolution, if passed, would not just eliminate jobs from the solar industry, or from construction or manufacturing orders, but would eliminate jobs across the energy innovation cycle and across various innovative energy technology sectors.
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When we come out of that cycle, we may see an impact on electronic equipment from the resulting electromagnetic energy associated with solar storms.
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