In fact, Gothenburg was named the 2012 Culinary Capital of Sweden, solidifying its gastronomic reputation.
Solidifying dominance of the Thai energy industry will likely lead ChevronTexaco to its next acquisition.
Communication and constant follow-up with your lender are essential in solidifying a loan modification.
WHITEHOUSE: Homeowning 101: Lessons to Stay Afloat from NeighborWorks Waco | The White House
But instead of solidifying his base in golf sandals, Bathum is plunging into line extensions.
Moore's sense of flexibility and vision were solidifying his reputation among his cast and crew.
Her new training is solidifying what up until now had been a casual fascination with technology.
Jake was a consequence of those residual fluids, eventually solidifying just inside a Martian volcano or in a lava flow.
Therefore, we believe it is a wise strategy for Costco to invest its resources in solidifying its online presence.
This year, it won its first Pulitzer Prize in national reporting, solidifying its place in an evolving news landscape.
He also faces a tough task in solidifying his support on the board, which is filled with Mr Purcell's backers.
But instead of solidifying his base in golf sandals, now carried in 2, 500 shops, Bathum is plunging into line extensions.
British industry lost its focus on developing the latest technology, thus solidifying the country's status as a declining world power.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Michio Kaku: Captain Michio and the World of Tomorrow
Mingo understands the importance of training for power and speed, but also recognizes the seriousness of solidifying his personal brand.
The market and industry analysts were fired up about the solidifying evidence of a PC refresh cycle in the Intel results.
Cuban-American opinion seems to be solidifying behind keeping the child in Miami.
The job fairs noted above are organized by municipalities but involve private and state-owned enterprises, solidifying a trend that began several years ago.
The company also is increasing its semiconductor buying at a faster rate than other top OEMs, solidifying its hegemony over the chip market.
Participating firms are gaining market insights, making industry contacts, and solidifying business strategies with the goal of increasing U.S. exports to the region.
"That area could well be one of further development at a time when relationships between faith communities need reinforcement, cementing and solidifying, " he said.
While Obama has been solidifying his base of younger, college-educated, higher-paid voters, he has steadily been chipping away Clinton's base of blue-collar, older, working-class voters.
CNN: Analysis: Obama continues to chip away at Clinton's base
Many of the companies that Willi covers were reporting momentum in March over earlier in the year, suggesting that growth is solidifying rather than ebbing.
By doing so, traders are solidifying the parameters of the trade.
Kessler contends the mini-blog platform could help the company gain traffic to its core Web properties while also increasing user stickiness and solidifying its leadership position.
And so I get to end my week as I began it in New York, further solidifying our unified commitment to Service members and their successful transition.
This year, the United States launched a National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, a historic accomplishment for the Obama Administration in solidifying U.S. commitment to women.
As for McCain, he was supposed to be solidifying his funding base after he locked up the GOP nomination, but at least through March, that wasn't really happening.
Yes, I know there are some who like the move for the Raiders, solidifying their most important position in a year in which they have experienced some early success.
How about at the bottom with the Boston Red Sox, who celebrated the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park by solidifying their status as one of the most dreadful teams in baseball.
WSJ: Humber Pie and Other Tasty Treats From the Sports World
Instead, the news is about solidifying local police authority, global trade and business, and restoring what people see as Belfast's proper place as a port and education center in the United Kingdom.