Certainly, it appears form the survey that those snowbirds might have something in the way of discretionary funds.
The American singer-songwriter, best known for Something In The Way She Moves, was honoured alongside Judy Collins at the event in east London.
He stops and calls back to the person inside, something in the way of an affirmation, and then heads off down the hall, a spring in his step.
Second, of the new technologies being offered, each offers something subtle in the way of improvement.
In practice, the new parity arrangement would come about in something like the way that parity values were calculated between various European currencies when the euro was created at the beginning of 1999.
Maybe McCaw gets something valuable in the way of satellites and phones, too.
Creativity does not always imply that the creator will deliver something to the world in the way Steve Jobs did.
If something gets in the way of the door--a person's foot or a roof panel that's hanging down--the electric motor that closes the train door has to work harder and produces more current.
Often anymore, the OS just seems like something that gets in the way.
Despite this, at this early stage, the mood here appears to be pretty positive because troops here have, for the most part, seen the delays in the United Nations and the extension for action as something that has sort of got in the way of what they are here to do.
CNN: Weaver: Creature comforts scarce, but soldiers get their mail
But there is also something rather delusional in the way both parties imagine they are profiting from the crisis.
Johnson had a choice to stay with what was already there or make a clean break and go with something totally new in the way Geoff Cooke did with a young Will Carling.
Is your life about adding somehow to the human environment in such a way that there is a net gain, or is it somehow consuming something from the human environment in such a way that there is a net loss?
The key error, and it is not too late to rectify it, was the failure to force the bailed-out Wall Street titans to give back something significant to the public in the way of mortgage relief.
They also signal something of a revolution in the way Australia tackles this politically charged issue.
Their principles were abstract but broad-minded: tolerance, free trade, and a belief in something called the American Way.
They all gather around it to watch it die as it mumbles something incoherent, much in the way the prawns (another term of endearment) communicate in District 9.
We have made clear -- the President has, Secretary Clinton, Ambassador Rice, even the Press Secretary -- that we find the video that has been so offensive to Muslims to be disgusting and reprehensible and not something that in any way represents the values or the beliefs of the American people.
The solid earnings reported by many European banks in the first half should ease jitters in credit markets about their solvency and underscore their ability to earn their way out of trouble something the stress tests modelled, but in a way few investors found believable.
ECONOMIST: Europe��s banks are making money hand over fist. How odd
We're stuck with one point of view as the drama unfolds around us, and as in life, the camera is often pointing the wrong way when something dramatic happens, then gets swept along in the chaos and confusion of the moment.
The results in Uttar Pradesh also tell us something about the way India is evolving.
"I would argue that what we are in at the moment is not a recession, but essentially some kind of depression and it therefore takes something very, very major to get out of it in the same way as it took something major for us to get into it, " he said.
So, that if we don't have him as a spokesperson talking about these issues in a very direct way, in a nuanced way, not simply something that will fall into the hands of people who want to see this as some sort of special interest or, you know, black male or whatever you want to call it, we're doomed.
Sure, they're "poised" and have "momentum, " but they made sustained profits sound like something way off in the distance like an oasis in the desert or a regulator taking a bank to court.
"In our hotels we offer something that in its own way equates perfectly with the spirit of Armani's clothes, " says Harding.
But Barclays has the advantage of easy maneuverability in this bid battle, something which the three-way consortium of RBS, Banco Santander Central Hispano and Fortis lacks.
But Barclays has the advantage of easy maneuverability in this bid battle, something which the three-way consortium of RBS, Banco Santander Central Hispano (nyse: STD - news - people ) and Fortis (other-otc: FORSY - news - people ) lacks.
But it would not be until later that the 30-year-old would get chance to do something about it - and in the process revolutionise the way military pilots are trained.
BBC: Robert Smith-Barry: The man who taught the world to fly
That ability to think about something familiar in an unfamiliar way is the strength of interdisciplinary thinking.
FORBES: The Value of Interdisciplinary Thinking -- Even When it's Wrong
But the rise of digital books has prompted a profound shift in the way we read, transforming the activity into something measurable and quasi-public.