Can you point to something in this plan today that you think Republicans might like?
If you see something you like, buy it, otherwise it might not be available next week.
But while it does a whole lot more than other augmented reality apps, it still looks like something you might try out a couple of times, then forget.
"You can learn a lot by going to people's homes, " Arena says, because you might notice something like a rug that could trip and injure the elderly person who lives there.
"Usually with cereal you don't add a source of saturated fat, while you might add something like sausage to bread, " says Jones, who points out that the study did not control for saturated-fat intake.
It looks like something you might find at the bottom of the bargain bin at a computer fair, but this device is being touted as an exciting new way to train the next generation of computer programers.
FORBES: Interest Explodes In Humble 'Raspberry Pi' As Computer Sells Out In Hours
This makes the bikes a bit cheaper unless you want to change something, like the wheels, in which case you might have to buy all the parts separately.
You might wonder how something like a dinosaur footprint could go unnoticed for so long, but then we remember how busy the teams at NASA must be.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 8.25.12: robotic noses, Nodosaurs and Space X launches again
That was enlightening, and what we try to tell people is, 'Now that you're unemployed, do something that you've never tried before, and you just might like it.
If you'd mapped out the evolution of social sharing online a few years ago, you might have predicted that something like Pinterest would emerge.
Of course, since the iPad is currently the Harlem Globetrotters of tablets ie. it lacks a true competitor you might expect to see something like that.
FORBES: Why Amazon Could Take a Bite Out of Apple's Tablet Sales
The other provision about limiting the number of embryos--you might be able to get something like that passed.
You considered when the verdict came in - the sad verdict from your point of view came in - that you might go for a judicial review or something like that.
As we are on the topic of Ludonarrative Dissonance, you might like this explanation of why Dark Souls is something pretty special Erik.
If you're going that route, you might as well go all the way and use something like rib eye, which has a rich, meaty flavor and good marbling to produce a moist burger.
If you occupy one of them, your day might be something like this: wake up, stroll into the empty ruins, sit on the hillside and take your postcard-worthy photos while watching a once in a lifetime sunrise over the Incan city.
You can imagine why other car makers might look at Dangjin with something like Hobbit-ish dread.
You and the other couple of dozen people on earth that need something like that might find a winner in the REDFLY Mobile Companion unveiled at CES this year.
Lego is only making about 85, 000 of them this year, so if this sounds like something for the junior (or senior) engineer in your house, you might want to move quickly.
"Hurts Like Heaven" might be the first Coldplay tune to which you can bust something resembling a move.
Now the question must be, in what state of mind are they going to come out, because if you treat them like animals they'll reoffend, if you do something to tackle reoffending the chances are that they might not.