But sometimes I feel like I got started a bit late for my age group.
His performance of "Freedom, " based from the spiritual "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, " became an anthem.
Ms. ADAMS: (Singing) Sometimes I feel so inspired and other times I just want to give up, give up.
I'm grateful for what the doctors did and they certainly saved my life, but sometimes I feel as if I'm stuck in limbo.
"Sometimes I feel a bit left out of those spontaneous meetings, the ones coworkers can have easily in an office when they're passing by each others' desks, " she said.
"Sometimes I feel like my job is Captain Obvious, " says danah boyd, sitting cross-legged and shoeless in a neon-green chair at Microsoft Research's office overlooking a frozen Charles River in Cambridge, Mass.
And while Seinfeld seemed to find humor in the current state of TV--"Sometimes I feel the whole industry packed up and joined the circus, " he joked--the network looking to be saved by him would not.
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And every day, some blog is telling you you have to like a new one, and I just kind of, sometimes, I feel like there's too much weirdness being disguised as quality.
"I sometimes feel closer to the SAS than anyone else, " he once told me in private.
Now, sometimes, I feel a bit embarrassed when I say I work in advertising.
For a start, I sometimes feel that it flattens the readers' emotional engagement.
Sure, the drive can be a pain sometimes, but I feel like we get the small town life with many of the city benefits.
Even in my own, non-celebrity life, I sometimes feel that making eye contact with a person can give a jolt of energy, or more often, drain some energy away.
FORBES: Why Don't Celebrities--Like Katy Perry--Want People to Make Eye Contact? Darshan
WILLIAMS-WEBB: You know, as women I feel like sometimes women try to dress women like them.
K. QUINN: Sometimes when I read the book, I feel like I'm going to all the places.
Part of the frustration that I think we all feel sometimes is that it seems as if people spend all their time organizing around how they can gain advantage over other people, or inflict violence on other people, or isolate other people, instead of trying to figure out how do we solve problems.
If I can just stay relaxed -- I really feel like I can do it, but, you know, I'm sometimes my own worst enemy.
Sometimes, just a few yards from the highway, I feel like I'm in another world.
Sometimes, when I moved my face a little, I could almost feel my skin brushing against words, like clusters of tiny, tickling insects.
But the way sometimes this has been administered I don't think any of us would feel good about in terms of reflecting American values.
"Sometimes it (traditional theatre) does feel passive - like it doesn't matter if I'm here or not, " he says.
"I don't feel good all the time, " she admitted, and she sometimes worries that a bad spell could be lurking on the horizon.
Sometimes the lesson plans are part of the ongoing schemes of work and when this is the case I feel that I have been treated with respect as a teacher and that the long-term educational needs of the pupils are paramount.
There's people that always go above and beyond when it comes to dressing and I'm one of them so sometimes, you know, I like to stand out, but that's me and that's how I feel comfortable.
And I know how hard you all work, and practicing even when you don't feel like it sometimes, right, and lugging heavy instruments around when you don't feel like it, pushing yourselves to learn new pieces, or getting that last measure just right.