Sometimes I wonder if a genius villain is out there counterfeiting U.S. dollars by the trillions.
"Sometimes I wonder if I should leave Bombay and settle overseas with my family, " he says.
Sometimes I wonder just how out of touch folks in university circles can be with the real world.
"Sometimes I wonder if Moore just isn't supposed to be here, " she said.
Ann Arbor is a wonderful town, and sometimes I wonder if I should talk about the events in my city.
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However it turns out for Cain, sometimes I wonder if women look away from a very real part of Washington, which is that women come on to men with power.
When I think about my own stay-at-home-partner fantasy I sometimes wonder how it would play out.
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If Genevieve, Vickie, and I do not speak out for women veterans, I sometimes wonder who will.
But then again, I sometimes wonder if the reason they look so remarkable is because they've had a little something done.
But you know what, I do sometimes wonder if those songs or that album - well, first of all, they don't release albums anymore.
And I wonder sometimes whether information-heavy sites like Facebook fuel this.
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Mr. FLASH: (Singing) It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.
Ms. NOVAK: Yeah, it's difficult to know, I mean we do sometimes wonder what we, you know, take a little heart in is that although we know that there is research showing that the brain tends to want to believe everything it hears and it takes some work to overcome that.
Sometimes people wonder why it is that I seem pretty even-keeled.
But sometimes, the perspective is so preposterous, I wonder why I bother.