He acts with due decency while preserving sound judgment (the musical never got made).
However, like everything else in life, sound judgment should be used in doing so.
He can also claim sound judgment: though no pacifist, he opposed the Iraq war from the start.
ECONOMIST: Introduction: The battle of hope and experience | The
Monetary policymakers have to rely on good luck as well as sound judgment.
ECONOMIST: Economics focus: A stitch in time saves nine | The
The Troika also puts into question its ability of sound judgment.
"Sir Stuart Bell combined great expertise with sound judgment, " he said.
So we were dependent on our own good and sound judgment.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
If your affairs are at all beyond plain vanilla, you will need to set up both returns in full in order to make a sound judgment.
So does evidence of sound judgment and strength of character.
ECONOMIST: Introduction: The battle of hope and experience | The
At a time when the world is descending into recession, when fabulous new technologies are emerging and when the spirit of capitalism is under renewed assault, we are going to miss not only a warm friend but an individual whose sense of discovery and sound judgment is sorely needed.
At a time when the world is descending into recession, when fabulous new technologies are emerging and when the spirit of capitalism is under renewed assault, we are going to miss not only a warm friend but also an individual whose sense of discovery and sound judgment are sorely needed.
Historically, this expansion in policy over who should get vaccinated was based on "professional judgment and not on scientifically sound data, " he said.