For it points to a disturbing resemblance between the car industries in South America and South-East Asia.
More than 55, 000 people are thought to die from rabies each year, with most cases occurring in south and south-east Asia.
Once again, the seven FEI zones of the world come into play: North-West Europe, South-West Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, North America, Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East, and South-East Asia and Oceania.
Similar subregional initiatives are proliferating in South, Central and South-East Asia.
ECONOMIST: Regional economic integration has a long, long way to go
Now, however, thanks to their countries' economic woes, fewer parents in South Korea, as well as in other parts of East Asia and in South-East Asia, can afford the fees.
Youth unemployment is expected to rise in emerging economies in Eastern Europe, East and South-East Asia and the Middle East, according to the report.
Remember the crises that have afflicted financially liberalised economies such as Mexico, Russia, Argentina and some in South-East Asia, and their caution is easy to understand.
Europe and South-East Asia are regions where Apple is particularly vulnerable to cheap Samsung models.
FORBES: Apple's Regional Trends Will Face Close Scrutiny Tonight
Until now, the economic troubles of East and South-East Asia have looked dramatic but not serious.
The structure of industry in Japan has changed as Japanese companies have moved production to Europe, America and South-East Asia.
Based on this information, I would avoid companies that sell into or rely on Europe and South-East Asia for their business.
Overall, the investment rate in East and South-East Asia is now close to the average in Japan, a much richer country.
ECONOMIST: Why oil exporters and East Asians are reluctant to spend
America's vigorous recovery and China's unbridled expansion have made it easy for Latin America and South-East Asia to export their goods.
Talisman Energy continues to operate independently in North America and South-East Asia.
BBC: Talisman and Sinopec to create joint North Seas venture
Siam Makro could expand outside of Thailand into China and South-East Asia.
It is the sort of bulge in the numbers of people in productive age groups that produced explosive growth in China and South-East Asia.
It is now all over East and South-East Asia, was launched in India last autumn and, in August, will be rolled out all over Latin America.
Although its pilots and engineers are paid at globally competitive rates, most cabin crew and ancillary staff are recruited on lowish wages from the subcontinent and South-East Asia.
ECONOMIST: Aviation in the Gulf: Rulers of the new silk road | The
India's economic ties with East and South-East Asia fall short.
We expect this trend to continue in the final quarter with growing demand for consumer products in regions such as Argentina, China, India and South-East Asia.
FORBES: Colgate-Palmolive's Emerging Markets Growth And Oral Care Unit In Focus
The saving surplus in East and South-East Asia is the legacy of a bust both more recent and more spectacular than the 1970s oil shocks: the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98.
ECONOMIST: Why oil exporters and East Asians are reluctant to spend
The generals have excluded the world as much as it has shunned them, and have found in China, India and South-East Asia neighbours who are more than ready to deal with them.
The company's plans were announced as Diageo, the biggest distiller of Scotch whisky, reported Scotch sales have been particularly strong in China and south-east Asia during the third quarter of this year.
No exact details of Howell's bank accounts and properties in the United States, Central America and south-east Asia were revealed at Friday's hearing or separately, at the pre-sentencing hearing involving his ex-lover Hazel Stewart.
BBC: Killer dentist Colin Howell has assets in five countries
Four years ago the company appointed its first marketing director for the whole group, Andrea Ragnetti, who was given the job of refreshing the company's brand to compete with cheaper products from China and South-East Asia.
ECONOMIST: How two European giants keep up with the global race
Artemisia grows like a weed across China and South-East Asia, but the best plants are found only in certain parts of China, such as Guangxi and Hunan, which produce most of the world's supply, and in Vietnam.
In a study just published in Oikos, Nathaniel Dominy of the University of Chicago and his colleagues pooled existing information on the leaves of hundreds of tree and shrub species from Central America, Africa and South-East Asia.
ECONOMIST: Young leaves, as well as old ones, are often coloured red
The combination of turbo-charged WhatsApp messaging growth and a new wave of dirt cheap Android models from Samsung, Huawei and ZTE probably has something to do with the slowing BlackBerry momentum in Africa and South-East Asia.
FORBES: Whatsapp Hits 7 Billion Inbound Messages a Day - 75% Growth in Four Months
In South Korea, because of the fragility of its political institutions, because it too has delayed banking reform but most of all because unlike in Japan and South-East Asia the rot in Korea is not confined to finance but extends across many of the country's biggest industrial conglomerates (see article).
Networks of exiles dominate trade in many parts of the world: the Indians in east Africa and parts of the Caribbean, the Chinese in South-East Asia, and so on.