He was so admiring and covetous of the gifts of those who could produce the transforming miracle of space and structure that he went back to school to get his architecture degree, setting up his practice with a series of experienced and ever-changing partners.
WSJ: Philip Johnson: Short of Attention Span, Long on Aesthetics
The landing marks the end of the Space Shuttle Program, a program which conducted cutting-edge research for NASA for 30 years and built the largest structure in space, the International Space Station.
They structure the space in the same way that columns do a church interior.
The SKA will join the hunt for gravitational waves ripples in the structure of space predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.
It seemed to break down into an excess of photons, such that it might potentially reveal something unexpected about dark matter and the structure of space-time.
When attitude -- or position -- control is lost on a structure like the space station, it begins to tumble.
It involves creating a lattice made out of tiny polystyrene spheres and then filling the space in and around the structure with metal.
One technology highlighted by NASA is solid freeform fabrication, a process that could be used to support fabrication and repair of large space structures, spacecraft primary structure and replacement components.
His venture, Bigelow Aerospace , is using technology originally developed by NASA to develop inflatable habitats, each one of which could be shipped into space, blown up to about the size of a three-bedroom house and connected to a structure such as the International Space Station.
"It was absolutely incredible to see this enormous space station, the most complex structure ever built, " Garan wrote.
The ISS will be the most heavily shielded structure ever put into space.
They hope to drive the program into a political and technological dead-end by denying it the synergy and efficiency that can come from an integrated management structure and by diverting funds from space- to ground-based defensive systems.
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The virtual model changes the cost structure: no need for office space, tax professionals can be anywhere ( India?), and probably customers can be led to a greater degree of self-service, since the process is already occurring on their computer.
Investigators are still trying to determine how the support structure became wedged into such a small space.
The American section of the show, at the Whitney, organized by Phyllis Lambert with K. Michael Hays, adjunct curator of architecture, deals with Mies's development of modular construction, from the long, low buildings of the Illinois Institute of Technology's Chicago campus, which he designed as head of its architecture department, to his high-rise apartments and offices and his ultimate vision, the resolution of structure and enclosure as monumental, universal space.
For Maker Space, Situ designed a plywood 3-pin arch structure that celebrates themes of craft, assembly and connection.
When light passes through, it behaves as a dimension of time, with the cobalt structure providing the foundation for two dimensions in space.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 2.2.13: SpaceLiners, building a brain and the man made multiverse
Twenty feet wide, it is the building's organizing element and circulation spine, connecting the first four floors and continuing upward with bridges across the space and a narrower stair above as it ascends to the structure's full nine-story height.
Within the structure is about 290 square feet of den-like space holding a sofa, small rugs and stacks of DVDs and books.
MoMA officials, who are looking to hire an architect for the addition on the folk-art site, have said they expected the new structure to contain 10, 000 square feet of gallery space.
The talent within the space bodes well for future adjustment, but for now the funds in their present structure seem to once again be losing their luster.
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If we can get 50% of boards and parliaments to be "womaned" by women, then you have opened space bottom up, instead of just having one woman up there, in a structure that is hostile to women.
But none of his esoteric knowledge could substitute for the multidimensional grasp of space and form and the strength and clarity with which the tensions and relationships of structure and style are expressed that are the architect's innate, creative genius.
WSJ: Philip Johnson: Short of Attention Span, Long on Aesthetics
Single-sourcing space transportation capability will just result in a new monopoly and will evolve the same cost structure as the old.
But the structure floats on a one-story wall of glass and the high interior space is beautifully shaped by a small forest of cone lamps descending from the roof to just above table height.
But in the vacuum of space the tiny amount of air trapped between them would inflate to create a semi-rigid structure.
Greenwich Hospital Estates, which has owned the market since 1849, plans to build a 104-room hotel, provide office space and replace the market's canopy with a glass roof, but keep the original structure.
In the fast-moving consumer space, this type of team only happens when people are pulled out of the traditional hierarchical management structure.
The colors make the space exuberant, the bamboo makes it warm, and together they make the building as much an exercise in sensuous comfort as in structural bravado although the swaggering structure is there, too, replete with glass and natural light and a sense of grand space everywhere.