The IRS has short and informative YouTube videos on tax related topics in English, Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL).
The United States wrested Guantanamo Bay -- discovered by Europeans in 1494 -- from the Spanish during the Spanish-American War of 1898 and established a base there.
And as a result of the changes we have introduced we will have 40% more speakers of Mandarin and Arabic in our posts overseas than in 2010, and 20% more speakers of Latin American Spanish and Portuguese.
Other residents in the building include Spanish and Greek-American families, at least one of which is using the home as an investment property, she said.
This has allowed negative sentiment to sweep across financial markets on worries over the U.S. debt ceiling, and a warning by Fitch Ratings that American, British and Spanish ratings are under threat.
MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- Spanish police vehicles topped with machine guns were standing guard outside the American, British and Israeli embassies in the Spanish capital as security was beefed up ahead of the likely war in Iraq, CNN observed Wednesday.
With a fluency in Spanish and an affinity for all things Latin American, Dr. Manheimer has traveled widely in the Spanish-speaking world, including visits to remote and dangerous areas.
These years represented a triumph of Wilsonianism and of the lessons that America had learned from the Spanish-American War, two world wars, and the Vietnam War.
The Spanish-American War and its aftermath represented a turning point in American foreign policy.
Blacks had fought with distinction in the Spanish-American War and would enlist en masse during World War I.
This book describes some examples of Latin American and Spanish Biosphere Reserves management.
On the first floor, Strand's uncompromisingly austere photography (from Spanish, North American and Mexican collections) offers a hard-bitten "collective portrait" of small-town Mexican life told through photos of individuals, landscapes, studies of architecture and religious iconology.
And many are from families that have been American for generations, no longer speak Spanish and are ambivalent toward the new arrivals.
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We looked at Costa Rica and Panama first, but both countries speak Spanish as their national language and, as with most South American countries, the legal system was based on Napoleonic law.
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Although outnumbered, the Spanish infantry fought hard, and caused enough American casualties to make Shafter blink.
The United States occupied Guantanamo Bay, discovered by the Europeans in 1494, during the Spanish-American War of 1898 and established a base there.
There is plenty of investment too: Brazil's largest car makers are Fiat and Volkswagen, and Spanish banks have been queuing to buy Latin American ones.
"Cruzar la Cara de la Luna" is sung in Spanish and tells the story of a Mexican-American family with members on both sides of the border.
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So obviously she opposed the 1898 Spanish-American, WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam.
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This week, at the launch, some 2, 500 documents from Argentina, Mexico and the American Midwest, all in English and Spanish, will go live.
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More than 200 years of Spanish colonialism, a Western-Pacific heritage and the current American control are stirred together for a number of unique local dishes, like the Chorizo Breakfast Bowl.
Among his many roles, the Spanish politician has to play the American to Europeans, and the European to Americans.
"A Message to Garcia" is a parable of heroic initiative and duty, very loosely based on events during the Spanish-American War of 1898.
The tranquillity of the coastal trail is occasionally broken by the sound of oncoming foot traffic, the enthusiastic chatter sprinkled with Spanish, French and German, as well as British and North American accents.
An inbound tourism survey last year found that 14% of all tourists to the Netherlands head to coffee shops, with 30% of Spanish tourists, 19% of Italian tourists and 19% of American tourists paying a visit while on their holiday.
Its Spanish-American colonial experience, invigorated by Malay, Chinese and indigenous influences, has produced an Asian variant of the rum-and-Coca-Cola culture.
The Spanish-American War was fought in full view of the world, and President Taft announced exactly what he was doing when he moved to overthrow the governments of Nicaragua and Honduras.
The number of soldiers who died between 1861 and 1865, an estimated 620, 000, is approximately equal to the total American fatalities in the Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War combined.
Woodrow Wilson had initially cheered the American takeover of the Spanish empire, although not as lustily as Roosevelt and McKinley.