The council said Havens' case did not meet the government's "very special circumstances" criteria.
George Lucas owns 6 oils and 14 pencil and pen-and-ink drawings, some purchased under special circumstances.
He says he needs more time, owing to the special circumstances of the Great Recession.
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But the special circumstances of the Provenge case make this decision difficult to predict.
But very special circumstances allowed such a large take-private to happen in this environment.
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The Spanish are pleading special circumstances - precisely as countries did before.
But hold on: The Dutch are launching a new program to draw in multinationals with a special circumstances tax rate of 5 percent.
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Is there an Android alternative that's as useful in our special circumstances, and is it compatible with a sturdy, water-proof case for it?
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget: best tablet, software and case for a child with a developmental disorder?
The murder charge is accompanied by two "special circumstances, " including killing a police officer on duty and firing a weapon from a vehicle.
"I've had quick verdicts before, but I've never heard of such a quick verdict in a case with so many special circumstances, " Clark said.
But Ed Roski is unique in that he has so masterfully exploited the special circumstances of 15-square-mile Industry to earn his place among the nation's richest men.
One of the big questions is whether anything that happened in the last two years should be discounted due to the special circumstances of the global financial crisis.
But some plans require patients to take less-expensive generic versions of cholesterol drugs except in special circumstances, and many states require pharmacies to fill prescriptions with lower-priced generics.
Our count is purely of noncombatants, except under special circumstances.
Anita Attridge, a New Jersey coach, says she has counseled candidates with special circumstances about grappling with whether they may in fact need a part-time, rather than full-time, position.
Lack of resources and budgetary limitations as well as the special circumstances of prisons and detention centres have always created obstacles for prison libraries to run as efficiently as they should.
But, in the special circumstances of Northern Ireland, history should also record that Mr Trimble's negotiating partners both in government and in the republican movement didn't do much to help him at critical moments.
The 3% who earn the minimum wage tend to be people in special circumstances, the most important category of which are people with very low skills, little job experience, and sometimes even poor English skills.
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Police have said they would ask prosecutors to charge the actor with one count of murder with special circumstances and two counts of solicitation of murder in the killing of Bakley, his wife of six months.
The drug was developed as an anesthetic agent, and it is still used as such in special circumstances, although its usefulness is limited by the fact that at high doses it produces hallucinations and bizarre feelings of dissociation.
He is expected to stress there are no plans to change the rules on council tax relief available for "special circumstances", such as homes left empty after a person has moved into a hospital or care home, or has died.
Yet a third group wants a total reform of the U.S. tax code, a complex document of thousands of pages full of loopholes, exemptions and special breaks for special circumstances, which allow some colossal U.S. corporations to pay no tax at all.
In percentage terms, manufacturing employment peaked even earlier: in 1953, 32% of American workers labored in manufacturing, a figure that has fallen to 9% today (38% of workers were in factories in 1943, but World War II made for special circumstances as far as this statistic goes).
However, the district judge banned her from driving for 12 months, deciding she had failed to prove that she should be excused from a ban because of special medical circumstances.
"The circumstances were special, still we did our job as professionals, " he said.
The same is true for sexual relations, where the law has been framed to be realistic about the activities of young people but they have been given special protections in certain circumstances.
Under these circumstances, a special premium should be placed on the allocation of Defense Department resources in ways that provide multiplied benefits to the Nation.
The IRS will allow you a tax break if you have to buy special foods to accommodate your diet under certain circumstances.
Given the truly special treatment that some economic actors get in various circumstances, a kind of legislative arms race ensues as different players seek to gain advantage in the game.
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