The cash will also be used to improve existing facilities, meet Welsh medium provision and develop special education needs schools elsewhere in Wales.
The stark division has led to a flurry of lawsuits and petitions, and New York State has intervened, blocking the sale of a public school building to a Jewish congregation and warning the board to change the way it uses public special education money for private schools.
I've gone up in a hot-air balloon, traveled extensively, worked for good causes in my church and taught hundreds of children to read during my 23-plus-year career as a special education teacher for Massachusetts public schools.
Enough teaching staff, including special education teachers, will have to remain on the job for the schools to remain accredited and for there to be a credible full school year of education.
The UK Department for Education says that the number of schools being placed on special measures was declining - and those that were were recovering more quickly, falling from 25 months to 18 months.
On January 6th Professor Michael Barber, its special adviser on education, announced that private firms would be invited to run failing state schools.
More Kent schools were failing to provide an adequate standard of education - requiring "special measures".
The education secretary will get new powers to close schools not only when they are in "special measures" as now, but in a range of other circumstances too.
Among Iowa high schools, North has some of the highest percentages of students learning English, served in special education programs, and receiving free or reduced priced lunch.
There will be 650 additional spaces at special schools, over the next three years, with money saved on transport costs being spent on specialist education, he said.
It said both should be placed in special measures - a status applied by Estyn when it considers that schools fail to supply an acceptable level of education and appear to lack the leadership capacity to improve.
It also said the council should be placed in special measures - a status applied by Estyn when it considers that schools fail to supply an acceptable level of education and appear to lack the leadership capacity to improve.