Our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.
And then, not just cave because of bunch of special interest group are running ads against you.
Over 50 Indian companies working on ways to squash the millennium bug have formed a special interest group to promote their services.
Grover Norquist is an anti-tax evangelist whose special interest group, Americans for Tax Reform, has all but captured the tax and revenue policy apparatus of the Republican Party.
FORBES: Grover Norquist Claims Tom Coburn ‘Lied His Way’ Into Office
Fueled by tax-exempt contributions from left-wing foundations, NRDC has forced the deficit-ridden state to squander scarce resources on a superfluous study because a special interest group wants a do-over on a settled regulatory matter.
Well, it is and will be for a little while yet, but the PCI Special Interest Group has just held its annual meeting and developer conference in California, where plans for a 32Gbps PCIe cable were revealed.
ENGADGET: PCI Express cables could take us to 32Gbps speeds by 2013
The unions need to back off on this and do so immediately as nothing will kill health care reform faster than even the perception of this administration knuckling under to any special interest group even if that group is a close friend and supporter.
In political terms, this special-interest group is neither special, nor one interest.
The party that puts an end to this cycle will win over a significant Latino special-interest group.
Every special-interest group that benefits from the current system, of which there are many, would fund the campaign against it.
And among defence experts who are not beholden to any special-interest group, there is a growing consensus that the Pentagon has been too slow to adjust.
The trouble for Mr McCain is that, as the election season has gone on, the entire Republican establishment itself has come to look more and more like another special-interest group.
The AMA has done a lot of damage to its credibility over the years by behaving like every other special-interest group in Washington, putting its own interests above those of the broader public.
The other would actually compromise public health and would constitute capitulation to the NRDC, giving encouragement to every special interest and activist group that wants custom-drafted regulations based on ideology and speculation and that can afford expensive litigation.
FORBES: Regulation By Litigation May Be Hazardous to Your Health
And even some within the deniers cabal the Nokyo, the group of special interest politicians, previously mainly LDP, but also Komeito and DPJ (the norinzoku), and interventionist bureaucrats in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) are beginning to admit facts, if not to embrace the prospect of real reform.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a group that tracks special-interest spending, more than 476 organizations lobbied on Capitol Hill for agriculture issues in 2006.
At Kaiser Permanente Northern California, a group of nonprofit hospitals and health plans with 3.2 million members, pediatric patients receive a letter when they turn 18 inviting them to choose their own doctor among a group of internists and family physicians who have a special interest and training in young adult issues.
WSJ: Young Adults Find It's Hard to Part With the Pediatrician
The CALNI group said it is also adjacent to a European Special Protected Area of Special Scientific Interest and protected wetland.