Your special issue on innovations, marking the 85th anniversary of your publication, gave its own special imprint on the true worth of innovation.
This idea of luxury has been the foundation of ForbesLife since I took over, and it's the theme of this special issue on Handmade Luxury.
This year we introduced a special issue on the state of Asians' health which will become an annual - a yearly medical check-up of sorts.
So we note with great satisfaction that Jackie Chan, who made his literary debut with a charming autobiographical essay in TIME's 1997 special issue on Hong Kong, has found fame in the movie business.
It is the collection of special stamps on the day of their issue displayed on a special envelope, known as a "cover".
This week it was shot down when federal and provincial ministers held a special meeting on the issue, in Halifax, Nova Scotia's capital.
That is a big threat for the Greens, increasingly divided over Kosovo and facing a special party congress on the issue on May 13th.
As our special report on China in this issue explains, the first decade of the century, with its relentless double-digit growth, may well have seen the peak of China's economic exuberance.
Activists, consumer advocates and other special interest groups were quick to issue rebukes on Monday.
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Two Northern Ireland Assembly committees are holding a special meeting on Tuesday to debate the issue of contaminated meat.
His new movie, though full of galloping special effects, is numb and dumb on the issue of human interaction.
Washington will issue a statement in April acknowledging the special demands placed on Okinawans, who host 40 of the 94 U.S. bases and most of the 47, 000 American troops stationed in Japan.
Yet as the special report on the waste business in this week's issue argues, there are grounds for optimism amid the mounds of rubbish.
Also present at the meeting were contributors to a special issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) focusing on problems in health care quality.
Because I had been told by more than a couple people that this was an issue, that it was hard to get visibility on these very special programs.
" A report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Sudan last October reinforces these assessments, "The oil issue and the extremely volatile situation prevailing in western Upper Nile are clearly at the core of the armed conflict in the Sudan and have particularly dire consequences for peace.
The mechanism would be a special bond issue covering specific reconstruction activities, with new tax revenues specifically earmarked to interest and principal payments on these bonds.
In the past, there were a couple of magazines I worked on, and I would always try to figure out a way to do a special issue that would be their Raymond Chandler-driven or their mystery-driven issue.
Three months ago while brainstorming ideas for our " Eye on India" series that showcases special programming from India we all felt we should explore the issue of arranged marriages.
The publication of these reports has been made possible by the generous support of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser al-Missned of Qatar, UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education, whose work in recent years has helped bring the issue of attacks on education to the attention of international policy-makers and the wider public.