World output inched up to 86 million bpd a year ago only by dint of spigot-opening by OPEC.
Once that develops into an oversupply profits evaporate and the investment spigot is turned off.
But until then, line up at the spigot and let the good times roll.
But with a full year to digest the uncertain economy, the cash spigot is frozen.
Drain the broth through the spigot or strain through a fine strainer into four small bowls.
It takes time to turn the spigot up and for more oil to reach markets.
What if the financing spigot--either for the automotive companies or for the individual consumer--got turned off?
When you set a bottle down under the spigot, an infrared sensor automatically turns on the flow.
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The credit crunch is turning the spigot of cash off for Main Street, potentially worsening the economic downturn.
We do this in our home by keeping a big jar with a spigot on our kitchen counter.
Every day the computer served up another dozen potential matches, 200 altogether before I shut the spigot off.
It can be hard to turn off the spigot of inspiration, especially when a new idea seems compelling.
If an executive order is issued to open the spigot to add oil to world markets, presto, prices relax.
While JPMorgan Partners hasn't formally shut off the spigot, future Web deals are likely to face a jaundiced reception.
Mr. Abe surely hopes that joining TPP will open the U.S. gas spigot.
What with all the environmentalists and not-in-my-backyarders, a new plant would take at least five years from groundbreaking to spigot-opening.
Having to deal with a spigot of information reminds me of trying to find a tool in a crowded garage.
FORBES: Tips for Managing Information Overload in Email Facebook and Twitter
His view is that what went wrong eight decades ago is that U.S. policymakers turned off the money spigot too early.
See the story by Christopher Helman, explaining the mystifying failure of consumers to cut back and producers to open the spigot.
Laurence Tisch, and Wall Street great John Whitehead, who begged him to turn off the spigot of easy money and rock-bottom interest rates.
No money is booked as "income" or paid out until the trustee opens the income "spigot" by cashing in part of the annuity.
The government took advantage of the 2004 Olympics and its tourist traffic to open up the funding spigot for improving roads and railways.
Supply sagged in August even though issuers took advantage of the strong market tone to keep the new-issue spigot open deep into the month.
Many have also complained that Google can effectively turn on or off a spigot of visitors to a Web site by prominently displaying, or downplaying, a story.
FORBES: Links 23 Feb: Google's Streaming Music, Google's Crime Fighting
So, after half a year of slow, controlled growth that has built a robust developer community, Caldwell has decided to open the spigot with the familiar freemium model.
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My wife and I had just returned from a hike up the ridge of Spigot Peak on the peninsula proper, and therefore part of the Antarctic continent itself.
Microsoft's Xbox console has made life difficult for Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people ), but the money-losing business can't match Apple's iPod profit spigot.
If even Al Gore's partner John Doerr is now on record questioning the need for government assistance, we'd say it's well past time for Washington to turn off the subsidy spigot.
WSJ: Review & Outlook: Silicon Valley's Green Energy Mistake
This is the approach of House minority leader Dick Gephardt, who as a likely presidential contender in 2000 has to weigh the benefits of reform against the risks of turning off the money spigot.