• Uriel Landeros, 22, was charged with felony graffiti and criminal mischief for spray painting the artwork at the Menil Collection in Houston.

    BBC: Picasso 'vandal' surrenders to authorities

  • Rubbish and graffiti often go hand-in-hand but spray painting pavements could stop people littering - at least that is the theory a Cardiff student is putting to the test.

    BBC: Footprint art on pavements to tackle litter problem

  • To date, his highest profile work has been a collaboration with handbag designer Anya Hindmarch, and spray painting the entire alphabet on the shop shutters of a street in Spitalfields in his signature ice-cream palette.

    BBC: A painting for the President

  • In Brighton, teenagers have been spray-painting large murals to highlight the issue and to stimulate conversation.

    BBC: Sussex teenagers urged to report abusive relationships

  • The approach will be of particular interest in industrial applications, as it is compatible with existing spray-painting technology.

    BBC: 'Paint-on' batteries demonstrated

  • Dressed in traditional Orthodox-jewish clothing accessorized with fake beards, they quickly gained access to the store's safe, spray-painting two security cameras in the process.


  • The southeast Asian city-state of five million people is perhaps best known for banning the sale of chewing gum or caning vandals, including American Michael Fay in 1994 for spray-painting cars.

    WSJ: Wealth Over the Edge | WSJ.Money Spring 2013

  • Engineers can calculate the most efficient route for a spray-painting robot to take around a car body, work out how quickly parts must be supplied, look for bottlenecks or even tell if a human worker's task is likely to give him backache.

    ECONOMIST: Manufacturing technology

  • Many of the surrounding walls, which are brightly decorated with graffiti art, are the product of locally-organised painting sessions known as the Wall Project, which get people together with spray cans and paintbrushes to beautify their surroundings.

    BBC: Mumbai��s hip and happening suburb

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