Stabilisation funds, which may need to liquidate their assets on short notice, lack that option.
Economic stabilisation was undermined, and this helped Slobodan Milosovic to get the upper hand.
Thus it has a stabilisation fund ready as a last resort to support a plummeting stockmarket.
There's no optical image stabilisation, but we're thinking the ISO is a pretty good trade-off.
The opposition wants to put a stop to such shenanigans by abolishing last February's financial-stabilisation law.
Traffic has been diverted from Dale End via the Buildwas bypass while engineers carry out stabilisation work.
Traffic is being diverted from Dale End via the Buildwas bypass, while engineers carry out stabilisation work.
For many voters, moreover, Hun Sen is associated with the Cambodia's political stabilisation over the past two decades.
ECONOMIST: The ruling party appears to have won a general election
The stabilisation force will be deployed in five major cities -- Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e Sharif and Herat.
Archaeologists, conservation specialists and English Heritage are involved in the stabilisation, repair and long-term monitoring of the moat wall.
Eleven years ago, the last prime minister of unified Yugoslavia, Ante Markovic, launched a last-ditch plan for economic stabilisation.
Jiggers Bank was also closed for several weeks in the summer of 2008 while stabilisation work was carried out.
This would end the earmarking of revenues, and set up a stabilisation fund.
It acts on its own as a defence, crisis management or stabilisation force.
What would such levels imply in terms of greenhouse gas stabilisation concentrations and emission pathways required to achieve such levels?
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists debate climate dangers
Stabilisation Force troops earlier blocked access to the town centre, and surrounded Mr Seselj's hotel, demanding that he should leave.
BBC: News | Europe | Nationalist leader kicked out of Bosnia
Fortunately the state has several billion dollars in its Economic Stabilisation Fund, set aside against the possibility of a downturn.
ECONOMIST: Even America��s most robust big state is suffering
Officials said hundreds of millions of pounds could be diverted from aid to peacekeeping and stabilisation operations, particularly in fragile states.
The government will put aside some of its oil profits in a stabilisation fund, for spending when the oil price falls.
Nato is in charge of the 6, 500 member International Stabilisation Force for Afghanistan - Isaf - which is drawn from 34 countries.
Financial stabilisation is another important goal, but Todd still praised the work done by the previous set-up under former chairman Paul Stapleton.
America's Air Transportation Stabilisation Board, set up after the terrorist attacks of 2001, has already bailed out several airlines with soft loans.
What technological options are there for achieving stabilisation of greenhouse gases at different concentrations in the atmosphere, taking into account costs and uncertainties?
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists debate climate dangers
Central banks' second function is macroeconomic stabilisation, setting interest rates to keep inflation in check without causing the economy to stop and start.
Mr Coucher said there were signs of stabilisation in the Irish economy, with modest growth in economic output and a levelling off of unemployment.
To complicate matters, previous administrations borrowed everywhere they could: they reached into the Stabilisation Fund, the Medicaid trust fund and the unemployment trust fund.
The riverside footpath has been closed while Durham County Council carries out stabilisation work, and the river itself is being dredged to remove flood debris.
Any country that borrows from the new stabilisation funds will have to agree on an adjustment programme with the IMF, just as Greece already has.
"It is very important that the factions of the government show a very clear sign what to do with regard to stabilisation, " Mrs Merkel said.
The Coal Authority has now carried out extensive ground stabilisation work.