At 78ft (24m) high, York Minster's Great East Window is the UK's largest medieval stained glass window.
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The aisle, gothic stone piers, arches and windows, including the main stained glass window, would all be retained.
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Founded by arts and crafts pioneer William Morris in 1875, the company was at the forefront of Victorian stained glass window design.
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Then, about 200 men walk the route wearing half- to full-metre-tall paper bishop hats, lit from within by candles and cut with intricate, stained glass window-like designs featuring Saint Nicholas.
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Loss adjustors have already visited the church to survey the shattered stained glass window depicting a nativity scene, a broken 17th Century wooden pulpit, a dented lectern and, most importantly, a smashed Victorian frieze behind the altar.
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At the top, God stands isolated in a stained-glass window and personifies the ancient Jewish belief that He was alone.
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Framed by a stained-glass window at the Shrine Church of St.
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Those visiting the church will also see a stained-glass window, known as the choir window, which was donated by the Goldwater family in memory of Barry Goldwater's parents.
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The hall was lucky to escape destruction by both the 1834 fire and World War II bombing with its vast stained glass arched window dominating one end still intact (c).