So should you stand behind the closed door the system won't trigger access to those outside.
But at this point, the larger European community has to stand behind the European project.
That dream is why a working class kid from Scranton can stand behind me.
When I heard the final mixes, I wanted to stand behind them, they were good.
"Publicly, I would be very surprised if they stand behind this, " said Logan, of Southern Pulse.
If those economies get into difficulty what will stand behind them, how will they be supported?
Even though it was only my first day, I tried to stand behind that rule.
FORBES: How Working As A Stock Girl At Nordstrom Prepared Me For Being A Lawyer
At the rally, United Methodist Minister Jeff Butcher pledged that Harrisonburg would stand behind the four defendants.
"Monster energy drinks are completely safe, and we stand behind our products, " she said in an email.
It is far cheaper to recapitalise banks, after all, than to stand behind all of their deposits.
Palin continues to stand behind the plan, even as it comes under attack by Republicans in her state.
Even if most of his countrymen stand behind him in condemning the bombs, King Abdullah has other problems.
As you get better and more comfortable on stage, try not to stand behind the podium the whole time.
In turn, that means that Britain, along with its other founder members, will have to stand behind the IMF.
They need to know that we stand behind them, stand by their side.
Taxpayers in effect stand behind such schemes, just as they eventually had to stand behind America's savings and loan industry.
He says that it is being made available to stand behind a move to give confidence to the global economy.
The end result of this is that the remaining countries will thus have to stand behind those much larger guarantees.
He needs to stand behind the link he made between the safety of police officers and the ready availability of firearms.
The dichotomy launched him into years of research to discover for himself what he could stand behind and advocate as true.
And we have to keep our thoughts and prayers going out to everyone there and make sure we stand behind them.
"A whole lot of Syrians still stand behind the government, " Ammar Waqaf of the UK-based Syrian Social Club told the BBC.
Germany may be strong, says Mrs Merkel, but not strong enough to stand behind trillions of euros' worth of European debt.
British politicians have been calling for decisive action by eurozone leaders to stand behind the euro and prevent the turmoil spreading further.
France and Belgium may be able to stand behind Dexia but supporting entire banking systems is beyond the capacity of many sovereigns.
You know people who sell these types of products because they believe in the products and the companies that stand behind them.
Will the strong then be more likely to stand behind the weak?
That made it easier for Merck to stand behind its contention that earlier studies, which had been shorter, showed no increase in risk.
How could German taxpayers stand behind French debt when Mr Hollande is reducing, not raising, the pension age for some workers to 60?
It would prove very difficult to persuade the Germans to stand behind the debts of nations who still cannot collect their taxes effectively.