The need to reform our procurement systems shouldn't stand in the way of developing the weapons we need now and will need in the future.
And President Sarkozy I think has been very courageous in some of the decisions that he's made: his willingness to stand very firm in the need to deal with Afghanistan, and his encouragement of tough direct diplomacy with Iran.
Brands that stand for something find themselves less in need of creating value through price reduction.
"I didn't need to stand in the shadows of Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler" she says.
As a result, Qwest's been left on shaky ground, too weak to stand on its own and desperately in need of a partner.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those whose lives have been impacted by recent storms, and we will continue to stand with them in their time of need.
And a lot of the things that seem important, the petty differences melt away, and we focus on what binds us together and that we as Americans are going to stand with each other in their hour of need.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Tours Storm Damage in New York City
And we will continue to stand with the people of Japan in their greatest hour of need.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: American Jobs Through Exports to Latin America | The White House
Tell them that if they want your vote, then they need to stand with you and not in the way of our recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Should Keep America Moving Forward | The White House
In three years the crew has combed through 800 applications looking for promising companies that don't need millions in startup capital and that stand a chance of making measurable progress in just three months.
Our youngsters, in time of need, are always willing to stand up and defend their country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Peres of Israel Speak at State Dinner | The White House
And that's why there is no financial orthodoxy so entrenched, no conventional thinking so engrained, no special interest so strong that it should ever stand in the way of the change that hard-working families need.
With shareholders so jumpy and exchanges in need of profits, users naturally have wondered how they stand to gain from all the upheaval.
One thing is clear, though: Assuming the Knicks stand pat, they will need both an improved defense and good run of health in the second half to do much in the playoffs.
While accountants, for the most part, recognize the need to stand out from the crowd in order to garner new business, relatively few of them are being successfully proactive in this regard.
Leone Stars are second in Group 4 behind Nigeria with seven point and need to avoid defeat to stand a chance of qualifying for the next stage of the qualifiers as one of the best eight second-placed teams.
Party strategists believe that Labour will need to win between eight and 10 seats in the east if it's to stand a chance of forming the next government.
On these days of prayer and remembrance, we mourn again the men, women, and children who were taken from us with terrible swiftness, stand with their friends and family, honor the courageous patriots who responded in our country's moment of need, and, with God's grace, rededicate ourselves to a spirit of unity and renewal.
Sellers need something else-something that appeals to the right side of the brain-in order to stand out.
During his speech, in which he spoke about challenges that stand in the way of lasting world peace and the imperative to overcome those challenges, the President spoke about the absolute need to help foster the economic and political participation of women and girls in all countries around the world.