"This is the system that is used to process telephone, internet and standing order payments, " she said.
You can use online banking, a standing order, or arrange a date of payment with your telephone bank service.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Post-dated cheques: A popular myth?
An elementary school in Maryland recently replaced homework with a standing order for 30 minutes a day of after-school reading.
The CSA also lost forms, and said we had not paid, even though we had a standing order set up with them.
As a result of the standing order governing petitions of concern, a vote could not be taken on the motion for a further day.
MPs will also have to vote on a Standing Order 75 motion to extend the scope of the bill, so that the whole issue of press regulation will come within its scope.
The standing order is for the Air Force to increase that number of air patrols to 65 a day by May 2014, although officials say that is an arbitrary number not based on an analysis of future combat requirements.
Any organized field needs to find its place in the rapidly evolving world order, and every company within that field must maintain its standing in that order.
FORBES: 7 Ways to Restructure Your Company for Opportunity, Inspired by Disney
No fan of bureaucracy, he liked to conduct business meetings while standing, in order to speed them along.
Tonight they are here to choose a new leader after their hero, Nigel Farage, announced he was standing down in order to take on Commons speaker John Bercow in his Buckingham constituency at the next general election.
This would allow even the tiniest Hong Kong broker to offer its clients online trading on the Exchange's site, which will simply check with the brokers to confirm the client's account balance and credit-standing before executing the order.
Beesley opted to correct a long standing hip problem back in March in order to be ready for pre-season.
Nevertheless, he is standing on a law-and-order platform: he has gathered support by attacking a government proposal to cut the maximum prison sentence for serious crimes from 30 to 20 years, an ill-timed measure given Sao Paulo's rising murder rate.
"No-one in government should be contemplating standing by and watching as some schools fail in order to use it as a lever of change, " he said.
There are real fears over the state of the NHS and education, and issues like the strength of sterling, the Rover crisis and rows over asylum seekers and law and order have all hit the government's standing.
Put simply, utilities are being asked to build smart grids in order to reduce demand for energy while long-standing industry rules still reward them for supplying more.
Ministers and their officials should have shown more scepticism, as they should when they offered only 50% compensation for cattle with BSE, a standing temptation to unscrupulous farmers to send their animals for slaughter in order to obtain the market price for them.
In order to do so, they need to remove the many obstacles standing in their way.
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For example, under Rand's schema would a person who abandons some passion in order to look after an elderly parent have a higher or lower moral standing than someone who doesn't (assuming that the parents are equally worthy)?
Meanwhile, the Americans are playing along by standing behind the story that the Pakistanis had no prior knowledge of the attack in order to fulfill our part of the bargain and help take some of the heat for the Pakistani government and military.
FORBES: Did Secret U.S.- Pakistani Agreement Authorize Bin Laden Attack?
The court, however, overturned an earlier order of the Madras High Court to shut down the plant over long-standing environmental concerns.
Sue Mountstevens, who is standing as an independent, was also a member of the police authority but stood down in order to take part in the elections.
In a point of order yesterday, Labour procedure wonk Chris Bryant obtained confirmation that joint committees operate under Lords standing orders, which means that the committee chair will have both a vote in their own right and a casting vote - which could give the government point of view more clout in deciding its conclusions.
In order to qualify for the 5% cash back, you must have an account in good standing and follow the terms and conditions set forth by Chase.
While standing up to " the biz side of show business, " that only wants to see 3D succeed in order to sell new projectors and increase ticket surcharges, he instead suggests moviemakers focus on higher framerate solutions that would... require new technology and increase ticket surcharges.
ENGADGET: Roger Ebert gives 3D thumbs down, shocking headlines two thumbs up