Last year, Howell Raines, then editor of the New York Times, eventually fell on his sword in the wake of a similar scandal involving his own star reporter, Jayson Blair.
The worst moment for him came when he had to comment on an internal NoW email in which a news desk editor asks a star reporter to "call in those bottles of champagne" by getting Mr Yates to spill the beans about a terrorism plot.
"For years, the agreement with outdoor writers was that we could talk directly to biologists about innocuous issues like (fish) stocking and, you know, bear take and deer take, stuff like that, " said Glens Falls Post-Star reporter Don Lehman, who has had an outdoors column for 19 years.
He worked for nearly a year at the Wilmington (Del.) News-Journal before joining the Star as a reporter.
The Hollywood Reporter's Star Power Directory says a star is a star because he or she can ensure financing, ensure major studio distribution or ensure a film's wide theatrical release.
Disguised as a reporter from the Sarasota Star Herald Tribune, the increasingly popular host of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Thursday night, Ford's chief of staff, Mark Towhey, would not listen to questions by the Star and hung up on a reporter, the newspaper reports.
Dan Piller is the oil and gas reporter for the Fort Worth Star and Telegram.
She was a cub reporter for the old Washington Star when she was assigned to the Maryland statehouse beat.
Speaking to the singer backstage, BBC entertainment reporter Emma Saunders told the star she had been missed at last week's Brit awards.
The Hollywood Reporter confirm ed that the star has joined the cast.
In an interview with BBC reporter Sima Kotecha for the Broadcasting House show, Mr Chinnery said he approached the star directly when he heard rumours relating to his private life.
Accredited freelance reporter Andrisson Manyere was detained on Sunday, according to South African privately-owned newspaper The Star.