Schuringa said the man just stared at him, but did not let go of whatever he was holding onto.
Just stood at his desk and walked out, while everybody stared at him.
The unit doctor stared at him with folded arms, mouth shut tight.
As a child he felt so self-conscious he was afraid to go to a public swimming pool in case other people stared at him.
She stared back at him with the neutral innocence of a child waiting obediently for the start of a piano lesson.
The Indian-looking guy stared back at him fixedly: A station, he replied.
She looked up while he still watched, his curiosity beyond restraint, and her eyes stared back at him, but she did not avert her gaze.
It made her crazy to look at him and so she stared at her feet, at her ubiquitous galoshes.
In the 2009 world championship, a young Norwegian player paved the way to victory at precisely the moment when defeat stared him in the face.
She saw how Anton stared at her, as if her smile were for him.
He began to panic and stared up at his sickly house, which loomed over him, leprous and crippled.
The teacher, who was worn out by the parents' clamor, simply stared at the brazen boy, who had come to him without a sponsor.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
During its construction, with its windows not yet fully installed, he stared at the edifice and saw what looked like a gaping whale, an image that gave him an admiring chuckle.
Bogut, who received a technical foul in Game 3 for daring Denver's big man to punch him on the chin during a face-to-face altercation, stared back at McGee while backpedalling down court.