At low tide, children wade in the wreck's wake, splashing about and extracting the occasional starfish.
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To the south, on Stocking Island, luminescent red starfish grow to over a foot in diameter.
They attribute the decline to storms, a coral-feeding starfish and bleaching linked to climate change.
Undeterred, Kahn started Starfish Software, whose products synchronized data between mobile devices.
On the east side it's Starfish on Adelaide for seafood and The Laurentian Room , a stylish retro lounge on Winchester, for cocktails.
When Missy first joined the Starfish, the Stars' youngest group, Schmitz says her strokes were hardly Olympian, and she didn't care much for practice.
The remaining two-fifths, they say, was predation by the crown-of-thorns starfish.
ECONOMIST: The Great Barrier Reef: Dr De��ath v the killer starfish | The
The skeletons of brittlestars, which are sea creatures related to starfish and sea urchins, contain thousands of tiny lenses that collectively form a single, distributed eye.
Like the humble starfish that preserves entire marine ecosystems by eating mussels, the American public library is the keystone species in the ecosystem of reading.
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Efforts to cull the starfish have had some success, but a better approach would be to reduce agricultural run-off and thus cut the banquet enjoyed by the larvae.
ECONOMIST: The Great Barrier Reef: Dr De��ath v the killer starfish | The
As she moved from the Starfish group to the adolescent division of the Colorado Stars, Schmitz followed her, with the club's board promoting him to head coach in 2008.
Footage of three-foot worms and carnivorous starfish feasting on a seal carcass at the bottom of the Antarctic, from the Life series, was shown on screens during the show.
Rotational symmetry means that if you turn something through a fixed angle, it looks the same (as a starfish would if you turned it through a fifth of a circle).
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The study said improving water quality was key to controlling starfish outbreaks, with increased agricultural run-off such as fertiliser along the reef coast causing algal blooms that starfish larvae feed on.
Following the heavy pollution of the beach, the local population of this starfish fell from more than a hundred and fifty to just thirteen, pushing this particular colony to the edge of extinction.
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The World Wildlife Fund offers a commercial tour in Palau, Micronesia on which snorkelers can help their guide remove the invasive crown-of-thorns starfish, which every day eat their weight in coral polyps from fragile reefs.
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In January Tilton proposed to split off a big chunk of the carrier later this year and turn it into a low-cost airline, rumored to be named Starfish, that could compete with JetBlue and Southwest.
John Gunn, head of AIMS, said it was difficult to stop the storms and bleaching but researchers could focus their short-term efforts on the crown-of-thorns starfish, which feasts on coral polyps and can devastate reef cover.
The calm serenity of paddling in sync, quietly gliding along the water and listening to the birds, seeing starfish sunbathing on the rocks and even watching a deer chill out right by your campsite, content to share your space.
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Glen De'ath from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and colleagues determined that tropical cyclones - 34 in total since 1985 - were responsible for 48% of the damage, while outbreaks of the coral-feeding crown-of-thorns starfish accounted for 42%.
Among the six ivories in the group is a pair of saltcellars carved with images of starfish, birds and coiled snakes that were created by late 15th-century Sapi artists, the forebears of today's Bulom and Temne peoples in Sierra Leone.
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