Their nervous systems are simple, too, which makes them a good starting point for studies of the neurological arrangement that eventually spawned the human brain.
Finally, the volunteers were given a planning task that required them to move an arrangement of discs from a starting position to a final one in as few moves as possible.
ECONOMIST: Cognitive disenhancement
Starting from 2013-14, this funding arrangement will last seven years before it is reviewed.
BBC: Royal funding changes become law
Starting in 1997, Massachusetts had operated its Medicaid program under an arrangement worked out between Ted Kennedy, Republican Governor William Weld, and the Clinton Administration.
NEWYORKER: Romney��s Dilemma
While Pixar may be a bit pricey--its price-to-earnings ratio is 33--it could reap bigger profits starting in 2005 if it is able to arrange a more lucrative distribution arrangement.
FORBES: The Overachievers: Pixar's Animated Growth