As emerging-market banks begin to consider bigger acquisitions, they will find that being state-controlled will be a serious disadvantage.
Mr Sharon has made clear that he will accept a Palestinian state - but it will only come about by negotiations.
Opponents have argued that such schemes will subsidise private schools at the expense of weakening the state sector and that it will leave inner-city state schools, which many pupils will still have to use, in an even more neglected condition.
It is very hard to imagine a government led by Mr Netanyahu and with Mr Bennett somewhere in its ranks negotiating seriously about a two-state solution - something that will anger Palestinians and frustrate American and European leaders.
They will mean the new state-funded independent schools will be able to operate in buildings for a year without having permission to change their use.
However, demand for the services - which will provide state-of-the-art hearing aids and testing equipment in hospitals across Wales - is expected to lead to a rise in waiting times for treatment.
Resistance from local governments and powerful state-owned companies will make it hard to implement such measures.
The Cambodians hope three state-owned companies will list by the end of the year.
The big-state primaries will happen almost simultaneously in 2000, rather than being spread out, as they were in 1996.
Ministers say that creating more of these independent state-funded schools will drive up standards by giving head teachers more control.
In order to remain associated with Maine firms, out-of-state attorneys will be forced to give up the major benefits of partnership.
Hundreds of thousands of workers in state-owned enterprises will have to find other jobs when their industries are fully exposed to market forces.
The true test of success in diversifying Gulf economies away from state-run oil will be when some of that money chooses to come home.
Some out-of-state lenders will bail out of the loan process because there are rules and regulations that you do not have elsewhere in the country.
So commentators on trade and immigration should stress the cosmopolitan perspective, knowing that the practical imperatives of the nation-state will not be underrepresented in the ensuing debate.
It seems clear that solid-state storage will have a growing role in personal computer architectures, although users needing more storage may find flash memory a bit expensive.
FORBES: Seagate Discontinuing 7,200 RPM Drives--A Focus on Capacity?
Hudson River Park Trust's president, Madelyn Wils, has said that without more funding, the state-controlled trust will run out of money and start closing down piers by 2015.
The government said state-run restaurants will now provide more lunches.
In other words, sell-offs to the non-state sector will continue.
Now, since Rodriguez's 2009 admission, it is unlikely anyone outside of the Tri-State Area will roll out the red carpet for him if he nears Bonds's home run record.
So innovative districts like the one in Texas whose reform efforts are being stymied by state decision-makers will soon have the chance to earn funding to help them pursue those reforms.
Failing state-owned enterprises will be privatised for nominal sums.
"The public perception has been that solid-state will take over the world and run disk makers out of business, but you can't bring that product to market without licensing disk drive technology, " said WilliamWatkinsWilliam Watkins, Seagate's chief executive, in an interview with Forbes.
"It is increasingly clear that clerical child sex abuse happened in Northern Ireland over many years and over many parishes - but only a proper state-instituted inquiry will tell us the extent of the problem and help bring to account those responsible, " he added.
"The public perception has been that solid-state will take over the world and run disk makers out of business, but you can't bring that product to market without licensing disk drive technology, " said William Watkins , Seagate's chief executive, in an interview with Forbes.
The latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center says the track of the storm has shifted slightly to the west, making it a bit less likely the state will get hurricane-force gusts, but will still see high winds and a storm surge from high waves.
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In time, specially trained state security employees -- possibly including state police or transit police officers -- will be able to assist airline security contractors at security checkpoints.
After some false starts and pratfalls, BP cut a deal that will leave BP owning 20% of state-controlled Rosneft, which will become the world's largest publicly traded oil company.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Bob Dudley: Three Years After the Spill, BP Gets Bullish