Keeping a child in a constant state of fear is abuse, for example.
These were kind, gentle, thoughtful, serious men, and they did not deserve to live in a state of fear and shame.
The toll that living in such a heightened state of fear, anxiety and stress can have on a person is also well-documented.
Mr Hunt claimed people are "living in a permanent state of fear".
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Derbyshire | Petition wants skate park moved
Nicholas Conning, 45, denies causing the death of a Jennifer Findlay by placing her in a state of fear and alarm at a property in Elders Court on 12 June 2012.
They are also alleged to have barricaded themselves to the offices, searched through drawers and filing cabinets, photographed and filmed the premises and placed the staff in a state of fear and alarm.
The charge against him alleges that at he locked Ms Findlay in the flat, and allegedly placed the 46-year-old in such a state of fear and alarm that he caused her to fall from the fifth floor window.
Lawson, Miller and Younger pleaded guilty to engaging in behaviour likely to incite public disorder by forming part of a disorderly crowd, fighting, gesticulating, throwing missiles, challenging others to a fight and placing those nearby in a state of fear and alarm.
BBC: Scott Lawson jailed over 'severed ear brawl' in Glasgow
He is also accused of committed a breach of the peace on 17 April 2005 at 12 Cleghorn Street Dundee, by conducting himself in a disorderly manner and by shouting and swearing and placing Jennifer Findlay in a state of fear and alarm.
Crichton is one of those increasingly rare individuals who is willing to go against raging conventional wisdom, including the hype surrounding stem cell research, which he persuasively confronts in this book, and that surrounding global warming, which he dealt with brilliantly in State of Fear.
Often businessmen are the recipients and targets of the action that follows, creating a state of fear that led Pippo Callipo, president of Confindustria Calabria, the regional employers' association, to write to Italy's president a year ago to ask for the army to be sent in.
For years she lived in a state of chronic fear and watchfulness, restricting where she went and what she did.
Without that comfort and protection, it comes to dwell in a state of perpetual fear and learns that life is a threat.
While it seems strange, most CIOs and CTOs (which I refer to collectively as CITOs) live in a state of limited awareness out of fear.
FORBES: Why CIOs Fail at Increasing Awareness Through Enterprise Architecture
Physically, it is impossible to wake up another human being from their slumbers without producing, at least momentarily, a startled state of confusion, fear, and sometimes, anger.
With the New York probe gaining headlines, the SEC wades in for fear of state-by-state chaos.
What happens to their rosy world when bitcoin exchanges can no longer operate in the open without fear of State retaliation?
In fact, we can definitely state, without any fear of contradiction, that some of that anodised layer will wear off as a result of the iPhone 5 being handled.
Under Algeria's continuing state of emergency, many people still fear wrongful arrest.
Christian converts, most of whom are born as dalits at the bottom of the Hindu caste system, often hide their new faith for fear of losing their rights to state jobs and university places kept for the lower castes.
Maybe many of these voters of color got swept up in the same wave of fear and ignorance that swept across the rest of the state's population.
One of the best remembered moments is the declaration of the "Four Freedoms" in Franklin Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union -- the freedom from want, the freedom from fear, the freedom of speech and the freedom of worship.
At the Mental Health Association of New York State, chief executive Glenn Liebman said the concern is not just veterans who won't get treatment for fear of the stigma of being listed in the state database or who will hide serious issues from their therapists.
But as deflation tightens its grip and the fear of unemployment in the state sector mounts, it may be hard to turn that understanding into policy.
Doing so will help shift them out of their fear-driven Critter State (where all decisions are based on what they perceive will help them survive) and into their Smart State (where they can innovate, collaborate, feel emotionally engaged, and move the company forward).
FORBES: The 3 Things All Humans Crave--And How To Motivate Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
Private nursery providers fear a big planned expansion of state nursery provision will squeeze them out.
ECONOMIST: What counts as heresy in schools is normal in nurseries
After Pennsylvania passed a pilot program in 1994 to pay burial expenses for organ donors, state employees refused to implement the law for fear of federal prosecution.
Many also fear the spreading failure of the Pakistani state (see article).
Their ranks are being swelled by those who fear losing their state job at a time of rising unemployment.