• In 2003, the State Department concluded that the North Korean regime had sustained its economic viability principally through counterfeit currency operations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Recognizing the Axis of Evil

  • Yet he should know that the Shanghai Composite rebounded in December principally because Beijing made a political decision to put even more state money into property and infrastructure.

    FORBES: Hang Up On Your China Fund Manager

  • The film showed the living and working conditions of agency workers brought in to help with the Christmas rush, principally at an Amazon warehouse in Bad Hersfeld, in the state of Hesse.

    BBC: Germany probes Amazon warehouse conditions after film

  • According to the U.S. State Department, most Americans kidnapped in Colombia are taken by guerrilla groups, principally the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the ELN.

    CNN: Kidnapping is big business in Colombia

  • But there is room for scholarly inquiry into the working of the murky state machinery that led to that outcome to determine whether the tragedy was principally the result of murderous design or culpable neglect.

    ECONOMIST: Armenians and Turks

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