The statement accused the U.S. of changing its position on key issues.
Yemen's government launched airstrikes and other raids against al Qaeda operatives on its territory over the past two weeks, and Monday's statement by al Qaeda accused the United States of assisting with cruise missile attacks launched from offshore.
Labour leader Ed Miliband took the unusual step of responding to the statement - rather than Mr Hunt's shadow responding - and accused Prime Minister David Cameron of leaving Mr Hunt to "carry the can" in an "insult to the House and to the British public".
Nassar was investigated before her arrest and was "convicted of what she was accused of based on the law, " the statement said.
Indeed, if you want some evidence of how others have perceived this issue, look to the Hastings and Nixon cases, in both of which the articles charging impeachment specifically stated a false statement that they were accused of having made.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
In a statement, Mr Stewart accused the minister of presiding over a culture of "intimidation and blame".
BBC: Antrim A&E "fully stretched" says sacked trust chairman
The prime minister's statement comes a day after he was accused by the former archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey of making Christians feel marginalised.
But the judge said a statement by the defending barrister, Brendan Kelly QC, that the accused was not guilty of murder but that he accepted that he was probably responsible for her death could be reported.
In a statement, Milton Keynes-based Argos accused the OFT of conducting a one-sided investigation and announced it was launching an immediate legal challenge against the decision.
In its strongly worded statement, the Tajik embassy in Moscow accused the Uzbek authorities of deliberately creating the blockade.
"If Pistorious is denied bail, he must be moved to a proper prison facility with others accused of similar crimes, " the statement said.
In a statement this week, Apple accused Proview of not honoring its agreement to transfer the rights to use the trademark for the product in China.
The two still in custody are a businessman and a lawyer accused of receiving stolen goods and obstructing justice, the statement said.
WSJ: Police Detain Suspects in Brussels Airport Diamond Heist
The two detained, who remain in police custody, are a businessman and a lawyer accused of receiving stolen goods and obstructing justice, the statement said.
She is accused of fraud and remains in police custody, the police statement said.
How do you square that with his statement today on the Republican alternative, which, as Chip mentioned, accused Republicans of having lobbyists write their bill?
After a Commons statement by Transport Secretary Philip Hammond on 20 December 2010, she accused the government of failing to implement the recommendations made in a report by former RAC Foundation chief Sir David Quarmby into the UK's ability to deal with extreme cold weather.
Mr Russell was forced to make a statement to parliament after being accused of interfering in school closure plans in Argyll and Bute, the constituency he hopes to represent after the next election.
Jay-Z accused the company of racism, at which point the company issued a statement saying the official had never made such a comment, and that the company has the utmost regard for all forms of art and culture - including hip-hop.
An Apple spokesman in London told the BBC that the company would not comment, but referred to a previous statement where it accused Samsung of "blatant copying".