His distinctive designs, featuring folded metal exteriors in free-form shapes, are a billionaire's latest status symbol.
Stiletto Moody shoes are seen as a status symbol in the virtual world of Second Life.
As the flower became more popular, it became a highly sought after status symbol for people.
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And so begins the race to produce the college campus status symbol of the fall.
Grey parrots have become a status symbol, because of their ability to mimic speech.
Over the centuries, the reasons for hunting has evolved from necessity to sport and then to status symbol.
At ten grand a flat-screen becomes more of a status symbol than anything.
Horse dung is perhaps the ultimate status symbol to some virtual goods buyers.
More recently, Silicon Valley's tech elite has taken to buying and flying their own planes as a status symbol.
Owning a piece of Facebook might be more status symbol than growth investment.
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Ironically in the case of horse dung, the researcher says it became a status symbol through something of a fluke.
Then there's a geekier crowd looking to flaunt the ultimate techie status symbol: brains--both their own, and those they've bought.
Across the room, a striking Lorenzo Lotto portrait shows a middle-class family proudly displaying an Anatolian carpet, an expensive status symbol.
Gold has been a status symbol ever since humans began showing off.
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The tags have become something of a status symbol among frequent fliers.
Cars are another big status symbol as folks park their bikes and take to the road and the gas pump to get around.
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"Because it's Michael Graves, it's a status symbol, " pipes Nicole Schumann, a sales agent for the Impala, which went on sale in March.
The new mind-set could mean involvement with philanthropy and other causes that could (at least partially) replace material luxury as a status symbol.
These beloved establishments are frequented by in-the-know locals, serving as a status symbol and as a place where important occasions like birthdays or anniversaries are feted.
They are such a status symbol that Lids, the hat store chain, tells its workers not to remove them at the checkout counter.
It's not exactly a status symbol any more, at least not in the U.S., after it got left in the dust by the iPhone.
To Generation Y, a status symbol is more likely to be whether or not it has the new iPad or a certain level of freedom.
That people may acquire this car because of their need for status symbol does not in any way diminish its value as an amazing vehicle.
This became the darling of the Chinese wine market, the equivalent of a wine status symbol, so there might have been a bigger bubble there.
Experts believe the tower was built as a flamboyant status symbol.
In the process, Epic has become something of a status symbol.
You can credit Apple for making technology a trendy status symbol.
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The casual wear (which CEO Mark Zuckerberg still embraces even when meeting with the suits in New York) has become a bit of a status symbol there.
The car is a status symbol in a society where success depends on knowledge, and the ad panders to the presumption that its viewers will have the knowledge to understand it.