One manifestation is precision steerable drilling using real-time microseismic imaging and continuous data acquisition enabling companies to weave through meandering hydrocarbon-rich seams.
This is a combination of sophisticated steerable drilling technology using modern micro-seismic imaging and advanced material sciences, to create webs of minuscule cracks in shale and release abundant trapped natural gas.
The structure remains the third largest steerable telescope in the world and plays a key role in global research on pulsating stars, testing extreme physics theories including Einstein's general theory of relativity.
" Interestingly enough, the system supposedly relies on "modified software" running on regular WiFi equipment, and wireless access points with the newfangled software can seemingly daisy-chain directional network traffic through "several carefully aligned steerable antennas in order to eventually reach a fiber link connected to the internet.
While he wasn't the first to leap into the field, he established the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Observatory to study cosmic rays in 1945 and organized the construction of what would ultimately be called the Lovell Telescope -- a radio telescope so large and useful that it's still the third-largest steerable example in the world, 55 years after it was first put into action.