During one of her chemo regimes, Barry was in a board meeting in a stifling hot room.
The IRS has usually done an excellent job of stifling investigations of its practices.
WSJ: James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting
Imagine all the rules of Dodd-Frank were revealed and are even more stifling than we expected.
It was February and Townsville, in the north of Queensland, was stifling, unbearably humid.
The Orange are ready to unleash their stifling 2-3 defense on this group of Wolverines.
Would his approach, particularly his heavy focus on fundamentals, seem stifling to players with NBA aspirations?
Once there, in the sweltering heat and stifling air, they work in harsh conditions.
That would be tantamount to stifling the markets, and reneging on another energy promise.
Another worry is stifling bureaucracy and regulation, especially laws that make it hard to sack workers.
However, manufacturing remains sluggish and the districts said the "fiscal cliff" effect was stifling confidence.
For decades, the country was noted for its countervailing forces of entrepreneurial flair and stifling bureaucracy.
At the same time, the Fed is stifling and distorting the availability of bank credit.
The restrictions once were far more stifling, with rationing of virtually all food and consumer goods.
Around 1820, the vogue in Europe was the "stifling box, " a sealed container submerged in boiling water.
Either way, evidence that corporate behemoths are stifling creativity in the cyber world is difficult to find.
By making credit so scarce, Japan's central bank throttles economic activity, damaging profits and stifling entrepreneurial instincts.
Finally, the book will outline how to keep corporate bureaucracy from stifling the life out of creatives.
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Still, Rabois said, Facebook's push to have safer and more trustworthy applications could be stifling for some developers.
Mr Jobs says that the majors risk stifling the new market, and also that they are plain greedy.
Policy makers need to stimulate economic growth by supporting community financial institutions, not stifling them with burdensome regulations.
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R. 1161 with the same potential stifling effect for wineries and their ability to ship wine out of state.
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Willis Carrier, meanwhile, created the modern air conditioner, liberating men from stifling heat.
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Holding on to the emotion, stifling it and letting it seep into your interactions indirectly is not the solution.
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Scientists worry that claimant-friendly rules are stifling the criticism on which science depends.
The levels of bureaucracy can also be stifling, translating into higher operating costs.
To cope with such stifling conditions, England must keep hold of the ball.
Portugal has lagged in scrapping stifling rules, but its fiscal tightening is bold.
His timid attempts to cut Hungary's stifling tax burden have had little impact.
The act has also been accused of stifling risk-taking and increasing directors' pay.