• But too much overt support could harm Mrs Plavsic by making her look like a western stooge.

    ECONOMIST: A choice of devils

  • Frank is no-one's stooge as anyone who knows him knows very well.

    BBC: I'm not backed by stooges, says Dobson

  • However, for the Arab media, Mr Chalabi was the epitome of an American stooge, a man who sold his soul to the devil.

    BBC: Profile: Ahmed Chalabi

  • "They are going to pick and choose, they are not going to be anybody's stooge, " said Roger Kay, president of tech-tracker Endpoint Technologies Associates.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • When their delegates failed to achieve much, the recriminations began: Mr Mogra has had to explain to Muslim audiences that he is not a Labour stooge.

    ECONOMIST: One year on

  • And to play Moe, the bossy ringleader of Stooge domination, there's Greek-born Chris Diamantopoulos with a bowl cut and Brooklyn accent ("Soitenly") that is Moe to the life.

    CNN: Review: 'The Three Stooges' is the Farrellys' labor of love

  • Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto present themselves as victims of a Western conspiracy, and portray Mr Odinga as a stooge of the West and architect of their indictment.

    BBC: Q&A: Kenya��s 2013 elections

  • During the MPs' questioning, Lord Patten, a former Cabinet minister and chairman of the Conservative party, rejected a suggestion by MPs that he would be seen as a "party stooge".

    BBC: Lord Patten's BBC Trust role approved by MPs

  • Thabo Mbeki, a former South African president mandated as mediator by SADC, reacted with a scathing letter, browbeating Mr Tsvangirai's lot for rejecting the ministry-sharing idea and accusing it of being a Western stooge.

    ECONOMIST: Zimbabwe asks for help as hundreds die from cholera

  • On April 27th even Igor Sergeyev, the defence minister, a doveish Yeltsin stooge in the eyes of many of Russia's military types, said that he was wondering whether to extend the life of Russia's elderly nuclear arsenal.

    ECONOMIST: Russia and Kosovo

  • But Bishop Belo was certainly nobody's stooge.

    ECONOMIST: East Timor

  • Even as she begged his party to rejoin the coalition, she poured scorn on him, poking fun at his abysmal popularity ratings. (One poll gave him 5%, against 22.5% for her.) Yet Ms Tymoshenko is no Russian stooge.

    ECONOMIST: Russia's western neighbours

  • The votes of the right and centre-right would be enough to pass the new reform, but one of Mr Monti's strengths is his cross-party backing and he will not want to be seen as a stooge of the conservatives.

    ECONOMIST: Italy��s reforms

  • It was crucial to the credibility of that office that its occupant should not be seen as a stooge - and the committee chair, Andrew Tyrie, seized the opportunity to demand not just a veto on their appointment, but on their dismissal, too.

    BBC: Committees seek power over key hiring and firings

  • Now MPs are trying to formalise their gains and set out an explicit system for approving them - both to probe their attitudes and priorities and to decide whether they are being offered a stooge, a place-person or a genuinely independent-minded figure, capable, if necessary, of saying "no" to ministers.

    BBC: Committees seek power over key hiring and firings

  • Alarm was also spread by Mr Berlusconi's initial insistence on a general election as the only way out of the political deadlock, and by his naming of a perceived stooge, Angelino Alfano, the secretary of his People of Freedom (PdL) movement, as his likely successor: the man who, as justice minister, introduced a 2008 law, later ruled unconstitutional, that provided Mr Berlusconi with immunity from prosecution.

    ECONOMIST: The Italian crisis

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