These days the cost of such networks is all but strangling companies like Nissan.
The arson remains unsolved, but many suspect it's linked to the discord strangling Jena High.
Shahidul Ahmed denies strangling Rachel Manning, 19, who disappeared after a night out in December 2000.
Congress should cut this Gordian knot by removing strangling restrictions on Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs).
Alan Houchin, 74, was jailed for life in 1965 for strangling a 16-year-old waitress in Margate, Kent.
BBC: Killer Alan Houchin's compensation claim blocked by judge
It's overtaken the areas where people farm and it's spreading to the national park, strangling native species.
Their argument is that what Greece needs now is growth and that austerity is strangling the country.
At the start of the twentieth century, another indispensable but unmanageably costly sector was strangling the country: agriculture.
Carlos Lauria of the Committee to Protect Journalist said the slow strangling of Globovision followed a pattern nationally.
He suggested the planning system is "strangling developments" and recommended the minister try and free up the blockage.
Its green belt, which restricts building in countryside close to the city, is strangling industrial and housing development.
Failures by care professionals led to a 70-year-old man strangling his wife before killing himself, an investigation has found.
Mr Duhalde inherited draconian restrictions on bank transactions and withdrawals, which halted a bank run but are strangling the economy.
The villains of the Depression were the trade-killing, international-capital-flow-strangling Smoot-Hawley Tariff, an overly tight monetary policy and a catastrophic tax increase.
And Mr Obama's health reforms, he reckons, are strangling small businesses, which are already seeing premiums rise by 25% or more.
The problem for Apple is strangling itself with its device-focus and its inability to graft a development role onto its bank account.
FORBES: Apple's Problem Is America's Problem is Apple's Problem
On a bright morning, after hearing this freakish news, I had one of those strangling nightmares from which one awakes with heartbeat amok.
We have had many chances of strangling in their infancy the forces of aggression and brutality which have now engulfed the world in war.
An investigation is under way after it emerged a killer was not prosecuted for allegedly strangling a pregnant woman he later went on to murder.
BBC: Eystna Blunnie murder: Probe into dropped strangling case
The shirts feature a photo of Mr. Deaver mock-strangling Mr. James.
Gurcharan Das is correct that the umbilicus was strangling the baby.
The media have paid little attention to the fact that the third-largest economy in the world today, Japan, has been strangling its economy since the early 1990s.
Regulators would also need to act as surrogate competitors in another way: by making sure that a squeeze on costs does not lead to a strangling of services.
And it must have sounded as if somebody was strangling several cats, but it was the most wonderful feeling of elation to me, to have that music running through my veins.
Anne Lyttle, a trainer with the Rising Sun domestic violence charity in Canterbury, said suggestions of a previous strangling attempt should have meant Mrs Esack was classified as at a higher risk.
BBC: Natalie Esack - wife who paid ultimate price for loyalty
Mark Stewart QC, defending Mr Khan, asked the pathologist to confirm that a strangulation victim's brain could continue to be starved of oxygen even after the person who is strangling them has released their grip.
It will end up hurting the elderly and the rest of us by strangling the inventiveness and spirit of innovation that is leading to a fabulous array of new drug breakthroughs from our pharmaceutical companies.
Bernanke gets credit for not strangling the economic recovery in its cradle, but his sub zero money market rates bear sizable responsibility for the weak dollar, commodity speculation and the inherent inflationary impact all this entails.
It is not the market's "irrational exuberance" (it is still up some two thirds since Alan Greenspan uttered those words nearly three years ago) that we need fear, but the Federal Reserve's irrational exuberance in mistakenly strangling the economy in the name of fighting a long-dead inflation.
They are both complete lies, I lived on a farm for a number of years and I have watched my dad shoot rabbits before when they have had miximatosis, an injured fox and on one occasion a Mink who had entangled itself on a piece of farming equipment and was strangling itself.
BBC: Hunting with dogs: Is delaying the decision the answer?