The Spaniard, who had heavy strapping on both knees, needed treatment for tendonitis during the match.
Rivers, frantically strapping tourniquets onto the remains of his legs to try to stanch the bleeding.
Our son turns 19 this week and is a strapping 6ft tall, 15-stone lump of muscle.
So the patient's back and neck are immobilised by strapping them to a specially-designed board.
Mauresmo played with heavy strapping on both thighs as she battled past Hantuchova in three sets.
The video showed four police officers strapping the man's wrists to a bench inside a police van.
"They're not your big, strapping, 6-foot-5 machines that head the ball and run all day, " Monk said.
Tengo was a tall, strapping man with a broad forehead, a narrow nose, and tightly balled ears.
Of course, you could also try strapping yourself in and getting someone to give you a little push.
But on that day, McQueary was a 28-year-old strapping recent college football player, while Sandusky was 58 years old.
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Perhaps strapping a few of those health sensors to their CEOs might deliver some interesting results by the end of this week.
It takes rich and poor, young and old, strapping and debilitated patients.
But once you are in the changing rooms and strapping up then it started to feel like a normal game.
"From a 5ft 2in skinny little lad he had this growth spurt and he's now a 6ft strapping athlete, " he said.
This involved strapping a four-hundred-pound appliance, weighted with lead shot, onto your back and scuttling across a lot at Universal Studios.
One such exercise involves strapping a thick resistance band around her ankle and attaching it to the back of a stationary bike.
Vainikolo did not return for the second-half, watching from the sidelines with strapping on his right knee as Charlie Sharples replaced him.
She was forced to leave the court when 3-2 up in the third set, before returning with strapping on her right thigh.
The fourth seed screamed in pain as she lost the first set and required medical treatment, returning with strapping around her right thigh.
He twisted his right leg in a ruck and tried to continue after having strapping applied but he limped off after two scrums.
But strapping on a snorkel and paddling amongst these majestic cetaceans is something else entirely, particularly when a mother and calf are nearby.
Power grew up in the British Midlands, one of six children in a family that had a 50% share of a 150-year-old wire-strapping business.
Aside from the costs associated with upgrading old equipment, another year-2000 financial burden strapping small companies is the cost of overtime work for employees.
Though a strapping five-nine today closer to five-nine and a half, really in the prepubescent days of my love affair with sports I was a shrimp.
Strapping on its surgical gloves, the Federal Reserve offered Wall Street a new way of opening markets, causing a sharp jump equities and bond prices.
The 31-year-old wore strapping on his troublesome knee during net practice on Thursday, but was only able to bowl for 35 minutes at three quarter pace.
And as many, including Costas, noted, Johnson further undermined himself by strapping a pair of oven mitts to his hands in the closing moments of the game.
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It's the equivalent of strapping on a microwave to the side of your house and putting it on for a few minutes about 50 times a day.
The future of entertainment has little to do with strapping yourself into a chair and putting on virtual reality headgear that transports you out of this world.
If coverage of the World Series of Poker on ESPN has inspired you to host games in your basement, you'd best think twice before strapping on your green eyeshade.