Numerous educational companies make up the schools industry group: Apollo Group, Corinthian Colleges, Devry and Strayer Education to name a few.
Strayer also has paid steadily rising dividends, and the recent share price plunge has, of course, greatly boosted the dividend yield.
Marjorie Strayer insisted she was just a Virginian on vacation in Miami.
Other studies, including one by University of Utah researcher Michael Strayer, show that talking on the phone, hands free or not, is equally dangerous.
But in the case of Strayer Education ( STRA), this leveling off after the plunge should trigger another thought: are the shorts done yet?
Strayer Education, a for-profit institution with online education and 87 campus locations that serves a 57, 000 student body, saw its stock drop 23% Monday.
FORBES: For-Profit College Stocks Plunge on Lower Enrollment
But Strayer, it turns out, is a top aide to New Mexico's Republican Congresswoman, Heather Wilson, and was one of hundreds of paid G.
Mr. Welch was the CEO of General Electric for 21 years and is the founder of the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University.
Strayer appears to have the financial strength and a history of sending students into employment that will make it a survivor even with stricter rules.
Aside from regulatory issues, the fundamental financials for Strayer remain strong.
For the most part, for-profit companies like Kaplan, Strayer and the University of Phoenix (among others) offer specialized degrees and certificates closely related to specific jobs.
Strayer Education, Inc. ( NASD: STRA) is a member of the Russell 3000, giving it special status as one of the largest 3000 companies on the U.S. stock markets.
FORBES: Strayer Education (STRA) Passes Through 7% Yield Mark
Strayer shares took a second beating last month after the company added to the bad news by reporting an unexpected decline in enrollment and a corresponding cut in the 2011 earnings forecast.
In the case of Strayer Education, Inc.
FORBES: Strayer Education (STRA) Passes Through 7% Yield Mark
Strayer has been a target of short sellers since July, when the Department of Education first published a draft of potential rule changes that could make some for-profit colleges ineligible for government backed student loans and grants.