However, structured notes are increasingly showing up in the portfolios of pensions, endowments and foundations.
Of the medium-term structured notes that BarCap has managed since 2008, 20% went into precious metals.
Unfortunately, as Apple has cratered in value, so has the value of the Apple based structured notes.
The biggest problem with structured notes is that that your returns may be calculated in very strange ways.
Ask around for a legal beagle with experience in structured notes, hedge fund of funds or variable annuities.
Have a bit of fun: ask them to explain the nuances of those structured notes stuffed in your portfolio.
Structured notes are highly customized investments created by savvy banks and investment banks.
One or two reporters have picked up on the dangers such structured notes linked to Apple pose for investors.
While investing in structured notes is almost never a good idea, these investments are by design especially unsuitable for fiduciary accounts.
Retail investors are increasingly getting in on the action through financial instruments like exchange-traded funds and structured notes that pay interest.
One reason structured notes are being issued at a rapid pace is the rise in interest rates in the past several years.
Unlike mutual funds and publicly trade stocks, structured notes are not subject to any uniform standards and transparency as to pricing, valuation and fees is profoundly lacking.
Today, some of the main culprits are structured notes, hedge funds (including hedge funds of funds and hedge funds of funds of funds) and variable annuity schemes.
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The same holds true for other structured notes which have seen a decline in the past year such as notes based on oil prices or other declining indexes.
Where a bank serves as trustee of an endowment or foundation portfolio, I have observed that structured notes issued or underwritten by the bank are most likely to be found in abundance.
Not surprising, given the complexity of these products coupled with the less than impressive skill-set of your average broker, regulators have found that brokers peddling structured notes generally lack knowledge of the risks of the product themselves.
Curiously, as the internet has enabled investors to access information regarding investments more rapidly than ever, opaque, complex products, such as hedge funds and structured notes, promising impressive returns that are virtually impossible to verify have proliferated.
Charities continue to pile into high risk, high cost, opaque investments, such as structured notes, hedge funds and private equity and are prone to be victimized by other investment scams because they have failed to acknowledge and address the unique vulnerabilities related to managing the investment portfolios of these types of organizations.
Both dollar and euro tranches will be structured as seven-year bullet notes under Rule 144A and Reg S, for life.
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Principal protected notes are one common type of structured product.