At the most, a weir is constructed to submerge the mouth of the penstock.
If loose lips sink ships, a too-revealing mystery shopper could certainly submerge an hotelier or two.
But with magnetic termite mounds to ogle, rock pools to submerge your bod, and three famous waterfalls, it is no wonder.
Sip your two welcome drinks, take a dip in one of the three pools and get ready to submerge yourself in the surrounding entertainment.
Out in the middle of the water, he would submerge his imposing frame until only his Gill-Man eyes and nostrils showed above the surface.
Participants on a 10-to-12 mile Tough Mudder course wade through waist-deep mud, crawl under barbed wire, submerge themselves in ice water and jump through fire.
However, the video shows that falling from a height, a person would be able to penetrate the crust of the lake and submerge in it.
But it took nearly 36 hours for the Republic to submerge.
WSJ: Chris Berg: The Real Reason for the Tragedy of the Titanic
Please read our postings and submerge yourself in what has already become a fruitful discussion of public access to the published results of federally funded research!
WHITEHOUSE: Public Access Policy Forum Enters ��Bonus�� Round
In southern states you'll find "noodlers"--men and women who submerge themselves in rivers and stick their arms into holes they believe (hope?) are occupied by golden-retriever-size catfish.
Then, experience what readers of Scuba Diving magazine ranked as the top spot to submerge in the Caribbean with your complimentary PADI Discover scuba diving resort course for two.
You should not submerge the mobile phone in water.
ENGADGET: Sony ships Xperia advance to the US, offers unlocked ruggedness for $300 or less
Large numbers of intellectuals and commentators, uneasy at the consequences of a victory whose causes they had never properly understood, sought to submerge America and the West in a new, muddled multilateralism.
Like the other forms of industrial fishing, longlines, some of which submerge thousands of hooks in the water, yield immense quantities of bycatch, or unwanted fish, most of which is severely injured or dead.
And the rising tide of anti-war sentiment threatens to submerge a slew of Republican senators in Democratic-leaning states, such as Susan Collins (Maine), John Sununu (New Hampshire), Norm Coleman (Minnesota) and Gordon Smith (Oregon).
ECONOMIST: The Democrats' hopes are not confined to the White House
Visitors are required to wear a life jacket or wetsuit, you cannot feed the fish or submerge yourself beneath them, only three people (plus a guide) are allowed in the water at one time, and, no, you cannot catch a ride on their fin.
The remaining 19 were asked to submerge their non-dominant hand into a bucket of warm water for 90 seconds, while moving paper clips one at a time between two boxes, to keep up the illusion of the task being related to physical capabilities.
ECONOMIST: Religion got it right: pain seems to assuage guilt
The 23 who had written about everyday interactions and 20 of the 39 who had written about behaving unethically were asked to submerge their non-dominant hand (ie, left, if they were right-handed, and vice versa) into a bucket of ice for as long as they could.
ECONOMIST: Religion got it right: pain seems to assuage guilt