The Stupak-Pitts Amendment blocks abortion coverage for women who purchase subsidized insurance on the public exchange.
There is virtually no person or activity that is not subsidized by Uncle Sam.
FORBES: Washington Sacrifices Its Financial Rating To Feed The Sacred Cows
His railroad's service and quality of equipment easily eclipsed those of his subsidized rivals.
Second, financial grants and subsidized loans to students are ubiquitous, mostly coming from the federal government.
Diesel is subsidized by the government and is more than 30% cheaper than gasoline.
Railroads promised substantial bounties if they were subsidized, but left taxpayers holding the bill.
FORBES: Constitutional Protection Against the Corporate State
Lamine says that cheap, subsidized powdered milk from Europe has flooded West African markets.
This is irrational exuberance, according to Schiff, as the market is fully subsidized by the Fed.
The problem is that government-directed or subsidized bank lending often has supported this buildup in capacity.
Before that was available, the Illinois Corn Growers Association subsidized most of Pickerel's costs.
Graduate students are frequently subsidized (through tuition waivers, stipends, etc.) by their undergraduate counterparts.
Without tax verification, no subsidized federal student aid (Title IV aid) can be disbursed.
FORBES: FAFSA, Tax Return Delays Could Slow College Enrollment Decisions
Drive competing services out of business with a free service (subsidized by a profitable product).
It's not known whether these will be heavily subsidized, but it's a safe bet.
ENGADGET: Verizon's 2009: BlackBerrys, HTCs, netbooks, and loads of data
Both the public and private schools are financed or subsidized by the island government.
More student borrowers turn to subsidized Stafford loans than any other type of college loan.
They are most comfortable with big, regulated businesses--oil and aluminum cartels, subsidized agribusiness, etc.
The new Al Jazeera channel, like the original, is heavily subsidized by the emir of Qatar.
In Iran, falling government income from oil sales is causing prices for state-subsidized goods to soar.
FORBES: Economist: Beware Desperate Mullahs As New Sanctions Shock Iran Oil Sales
The poor and the elderly receive free or highly subsidized insurance via Medicaid or Medicare.
It's true that even some big schools' athletic departments lose money, and that many are subsidized.
The ones that come crashing down when oil is no longer subsidized, Scott argues.
FORBES: Obama Proposes $7,500 Rebates to Electric Car Buyers
Higher education is a relatively inelastic good that is highly subsidized by the government.
The day of the subsidized tablet might be with us sooner than we thought.
ENGADGET: Orange UK prices 3G iPad at ?199 on two-year contract, taking pre-orders today
Cable channels like HBO are heavily subsidized by the cable television infrastructure, for instance.
Public debt, thanks to a bloated bureaucracy and subsidized social programs, is 28% of GDP.
Mobile phones in India are not subsidized by telecom operators, unlike other parts of the world.
This week brought further embarrassment for a Kleiner-backed and taxpayer-subsidized project called Fisker Automotive.
WSJ: Review & Outlook: Silicon Valley's Green Energy Mistake
Thirty years ago, the prosaic and government-subsidized savings and loan industry was on life support.
Long-term contracts allow telecom providers to absorb premium pricing and pass subsidized pricing along to consumers.