In Hong Kong, such loans are classified as "substandard" even if the debtor is still repaying.
Forcing such substandard employees to commute to work does not change their character, or lack thereof.
Cost savings with substandard safety and efficacy is as damaging as taking no drug at all.
Nearly every family bottled its own recipe, which led to many substandard wines.
"These folks are buying a job that often turns out to be in substandard conditions, " she said.
Hasan was "coddled, accommodated and pushed through that masters of public health despite substandard performance, " the classmate said.
Weak delegation plagues most of us, and frustrates us by producing substandard outcomes.
Weightman, the fired commander, had said he was unaware of the substandard conditions.
But poverty, substandard, overcrowded housing and underlying health problems are thought to be the most likely culprits, he says.
Rogoff has also been centrally involved in efforts to strengthen safety inspections of substandard trucks, cargo vessels, and pipelines.
How can a group of employees who are exceeding expectations in their performance reviews actually be producing substandard results?
In response, hospitals will undoubtedly seek to improve any truly substandard patient care.
One police official told the BBC that the collapse appeared to have been caused by the use of substandard building material.
Fewer live in substandard houses, more have cars, fridges, boomboxes and other necessities that were luxuries a couple of generations ago.
Nor do memories of the taxpayer bailout or decades of substandard cars.
Once he has accumulated enough capital, Wang plans to open a "commercial investigation firm" to target makers of fake and substandard products.
They are more likely to receive substandard care from being underinsured or because of high cost-sharing and other barriers to quality care.
An employee comes to us with substandard work and we get angry.
It said these local difficulties ranged from substandard infrastructure and weak environmental regulatory regimes, to acute talent shortages and underdeveloped governance practices.
Mr Correa himself admitted last month that Ecuador's sanitary regulations were substandard.
Building collapses are common in India as builders cut corners by using substandard materials, and as multistory structures are built with inadequate supervision.
While the hepatitis C infections have prompted concerns about whether contract workers are providing substandard care, research shows the opposite is generally true.
Roger Bate is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of Phake the deadly world of falsified and substandard medicines.
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Unfortunately (for me at least) the stereotype that Mexican-Americans do all this great work for substandard pay has not held up quite so well.
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Authorities were also investigating whether officials allowed substandard uniforms to enter school campuses, Xinhua news agency quoted an unidentified city government spokesman as saying.
Meeting each evening in a pub, presumably over several pints, the company wardens would select a few shops to inspect, and would punish substandard work.
It isn't just substandard therapeutic drugs that are leaking across borders.
Are we going to continue to have airports that are substandard?
And that fuels the scarcity that underlies many substandard work environments.
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He said while it was not a food safety issue, it was "another example of the integrity of the food chain being shown to be substandard".