One police official told the BBC that the collapse appeared to have been caused by the use of substandard building material.
BBC: Mumbai building collapse: Indian police arrest nine
Some parents pointed to poor design and use of substandard building materials as some of the reasons why many schools -- described as "bean-curd dregs buildings" -- collapsed in areas where other buildings were not badly affected.
CNN: Amid rebuilding, scars linger from China quake
Some parents pointed to poor design and use of substandard building materials as some of the reasons why many schools - described as "beancurd dregs buildings" - collapsed in areas where other buildings were not badly affected.
CNN: China quake scars linger amid rebuilding
Many injured residents were sent to the nearby provincial capital of Chengdu, which sustained damage in a stronger 2008 earthquake that killed more than 80, 000 people and revealed the depth of the region's substandard building quality and emergency response efforts.
WSJ: China Rushes to Show Quick Reaction to Quakes
Troops recuperating from wounds they suffered in Iraq and Afghanistan were discovered to be living in substandard conditions in Building 18, an adjunct structure at Walter Reed that was once a hotel.
CNN: Army secretary quits in wake of hospital scandal
George Weightman's firing was the first major military staff change after reports surfaced last month about substandard conditions in a building that is part of the facility.
CNN: Army fires commander of Walter Reed hospital
"Rana Plaza collapsed due to blatant violation of the building code, the use of substandard material and the operation of heavy machinery including generators on the upper floors, " Main Uddin Khandaker, a civil servant who led the panel, said in an interview.
WSJ: Bangladesh Factory Collapse Blamed on Shoddy Materials
Building collapses are common in India as builders cut corners by using substandard materials, and as multistory structures are built with inadequate supervision.
WSJ: Death Toll in Building Collapse Hits 72