In November it sued Luxottica, claiming patent infringement on lens coatings that produce "vivid" sunglass colors.
Sunglass Hut's volume was off 10% in the December quarter from the year before.
Last November it sued Luxottica, claiming patent infringement on lens coatings that produce "vivid" sunglass colors.
Sunglass Hut's volume was off an estimated 10% in the December quarter from the year before.
The most promising one is a new store format that folds watches into the sunglass stores.
Headed by James Jannard, an American billionaire, Oakley was Sunglass Hut's biggest brand, representing 25% of sales.
Headed by U.S. billionaire James Jannard , Oakley was Sunglass Hut's biggest brand, representing 25% of sales.
But Oakley needs Sunglass Hut even more: Since the dispute began last summer, profits have fallen 36%.
New products would be shipped to Sunglass once a season and sit on the shelves for months.
This was followed in 2001 by the acquisition of Sunglass Hut, the world's leading retailer of sunglasses.
The seller is Dean Ziff, a private investor whose family founded and owned Sunglass Hut retail stores.
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Carpenter's most significant move was the sale in June of the sunglass division, which included the famed Ray-Bans.
Their anglers wore plain T-shirts instead of colorful jerseys plastered with names of bait companies and sunglass makers.
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Thus came into being Coldfront, a sunglass case that keeps two palm-sized gel packs cool all day long.
Interior and closet designers say glass sneaker displays with lighting from below and sunglass drawers are also popular features.
Just before the injunction, Jannard sent his number two to Milan, once again pushing to have Sunglass Hut stock Oakleys.
It also makes glasses for fashion houses like Chanel and runs outlets that include LensCrafters, Sunglass Hut and Pearle Vision.
Just before the injunction, Jannard sent his second in command to Milan, once again pushing to have Sunglass Hut stock Oakleys.
But Oakley needs Sunglass Hut even more than Sunglass Hut needs it: Since the dispute began, its profits have fallen 36%.
Since Sunglass Hut, for all its ills, remained the largest sunglass retailer, it was in a position to push manufacturers around.
Within weeks of buying the U.S. retailer Sunglass Hut in April, the chairman of Luxottica demanded price cuts from the chain's suppliers.
Two-thirds of Sunglass Hut's corporate staff is gone, and so is its Miami home office, which was merged with LensCrafters' Cincinnati headquarters.
After growing rapidly in the early 1990s to 2, 000 outlets and topping half a billion in sales, Sunglass stumbled badly in 1996.
Each week he and his merchandising team pin the 50 top-selling sunglass styles on a board and figure out ways to promote them.
Sunglass Hut hung 5-foot-by-7-foot Ralph Lauren banners in its stores and beefed up inventory of Lauren products by an initial 50% before the promotion got under way.
Just as Warby Parker stylishly disrupted the sunglass industry with its smart-priced, high-quality eyewear, new grooming line Harry's is poised to upend the business of razors and blades.
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You can swap out the removable sunglass lenses for clear versions, or throw in your prescription in daylight (tinted) or indoor flavors, since many optical stores stock appropriately sized lenses.
ENGADGET: Insert Coin: Eyez 720p video-recording glasses (video)