The court also heard from Health and Safety Executive inspector Dominic Long who said the "hybrid column" used to support the lamppost was "rare".
BBC: Tommy Hollis
Yet it is nothing short of terrifying to recognise that Clay, on his own authority, gave very serious consideration to using an armoured column backed up by support from the air to break the blockade.
ECONOMIST: The cold war
But it wasn't until humorist Dave Barry caught wind of the idea and threw his support behind it in a September 2002 Miami Herald column that this rickety ship took sail.
CNN: Ahoy! 'Tis time to talk pirate, me hearties
"Andrew Flintoff made some comments that it might help reinvigorate cricket in the West Indies, and that is clearly something we would support and that's something in the plus column, " said Burnham.
BBC: Burnham 'uneasy' about $20m match
As you will know (don't yawn) if you read this column, this economic malaise has been characterised by many weak businesses being put on life support and turned into the living dead, or (to use what is now a cliche, so sorry) zombies.
BBC: Is there good news in HMV's collapse?