Added to that, Vojislav Seselj, the head of the ultra-nationalist Radical Party, has said he is withdrawing support from the government.
Wildlife groups in Sri Lanka say they are withdrawing support to an elephant census as they fear it will be used to bring more animals into captivity.
With the left withdrawing support, the government can rely on only 226 members in the 543-seat parliament, and needs 46 more to be absolutely sure of a majority.
It therefore came as something of a shock to many Indians when Congress president Sitaram Kesri called Gowda a "nikamma" in April, soon after withdrawing support for his government.
Germany is likely withdrawing support for the agreement because of the explosion of grassroots opposition to ACTA across Europe, but especially in places like Poland and other poorer European nations.
The resentment this caused led to many staff covertly withdrawing their support and co-operation resulting in commercial chaos.
Late on Tuesday, party leaders met President Pranab Mukherjee and handed over a letter withdrawing the support of its MPs for the government.
Costly commodities will deter the resurgent American consumer, and may also spook the Federal Reserve into withdrawing monetary support at a faster pace.
But union leader Gerald McEntee told Dean in a meeting Saturday in Burlington, Vermont, that his union was withdrawing its support, campaign aides said.
In the Netherlands Geert Wilders, who has just precipitated an election by withdrawing his support from the government, is now running as much on an anti-bail-out ticket as his more familiar anti-Muslim one.
ECONOMIST: The euro crisis: An ever-deeper democratic deficit | The
Since withdrawing his party's support for the government in December, Mr Berlusconi has repeatedly launched attacks against the former European commissioner.
President Bush is not contemplating withdrawing forces from Iraq now despite an erosion of support among Republicans for his war policy, the White House said Monday.